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The progressive comic about Trump using the police and/or military to stifle dissent

end rant

All The President's Hit Men

After waching Pete Hegseth sneer his way through his Senate confirmation hearing it's clear that he will have no problem with keeping the 99% in line though the use of military force and is probably even relishing the idea. He's an unscrupulous tick on the ass of society and was only chosen by Trump because for his primitive alpha-male optics, certainly not his capabilities.

During Trump's previous term in office he once asked if his security team could shoot protestors in the legs but his odious desire was shot down by the adults in the room. Next time those employing their First Amendment rights to protest Trump won't be so lucky so maybe this is a golden opportunity for Levi's to develop a line of bullet-proof dungarees.


I keep hearing and hearing and HEARING pundits say the Democrats are in disarray as a result of the 2024 election.

They're wrong and I'll tell you why.

Name the last vice-president to win a presidential election, and it wasn't Joe Biden. He'd been out of office for four years.

(Footnote: Al Gore would have been elected president in 2000 if the vote had continued in Florida minus the hindrance of the Supreme Court. This one don't count.)

So the last veep elected was George H. W. Bush, on the coat-tails of an actor playing the part of president, and look how well that turned out. He was so crappy at the job (Hint: Reagan was, too!) Americans took the hint and gave him the ol' one-term heave-ho.

The next was LBJ and he didn't actually run to win the presidency, he gained it with the "one-man, one magic bullet" aid of Russians, or Cubans, or maybe even Martians. So when LBJ won the election in 1964 he was already president.

The next one down the line is Truman, and even HE gained office because his predecessor died.

So, looking at it historically, Kamala Harris did very well for a vice-president. Trump bellows tha he won in a landslide but he came within about 150,000 swing-state votes of spending the rest of his life in jail.

So good on ya, Kamala. We still love you and you would have made a GREAT president.


Believe it or not, Raging Pencils, my little farce-eyed view of this plane of existence, is perilously close to being twenty years old as the first 'toon was uploaded on February 10, 2006.

It was, at first, a very sporadic response to a world much too full of people like George W. Bush, a creature so vile and ignorant and entitled that he almost single-handedly bankrupted this country with his vanity wars and has left our environment on the brink of climate collapse. Fuck that guy!

In January of 2008 I began a three-toons-per-week schedule, mostly, and I plan on creating new comics until at least 2030, for reasons known only to myself. I will do my best for the next four years of The Beast's term in office.

Thank you all for coming along for the ride.


Mea Culpa: This 'toon reused some of the artwork from a September 2020 offering. Please have mercy on my soul.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftalicious News for January 15, 2025

Trump would have been convicted if he'd lost the election.

Trump would have died in jail if he'd lost the election.

A traitorous blob of filth escaped justice because the Constitution never envisioned Fox News.

Jack Smith was warming Trump's jail cell until too many sister-fuckers decided he was superior to the Black lady.

Donald Trump would have eating toilet ramen for the rest of his life if not for the Supreme Court giving him a 'Get out of jail free' card

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Poozycat Project:

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
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The face you can't stop slapping.


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Secret Service: Sir, there is a group of protestors outside of Mar-a-Lago.
Trump: Shoot ‘em.
They’re women and children, sir.
Trump: Wound ‘em.

The progressive comic about Trump using the police and or military to muffle dissent.

fuck the inauguration comic trump slapfight comic