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The progressive comic about jokes of the presidential debate

end rant

Donald Trump Is SOoooo Fat...

Not to sound too immodest but we need all good progressive folk to share cartoons exactly like this one to counter each sound bite from that fat, fascist motherfukker saying he won the second presidential debate. (Artist bats large, moist eyes) Thank you.

BTW, if you want to suggest any good jokes I am not to proud in this case to steal them, cartoon them, and set them free on the web. Contributors will be suitably by-lined.


At today's rally that Fat Fascist Basturd promised he'd remove taxes from overtime pay.

First, that would require Congress to pass such a bill and, second, the Fat Fascist Basturd forgot that his Project 2025 effectively ends overtime pay. Their plan calls for employees to work on a 160-hour month basis, which means you could work multiple 12-hour days up to the 160-hour limit and then be sent home until the next pay period.

Yes, it's in there.


In a week Trump can start selling his Truth Social stock so it was to no one's surprise that the stock, puttering downwards from $16 of so, suddenly shot up four points to over twenty today. Volume on the stock tripled to over 22 million. Very suspicious.

I heard the reason is that Trump today "promised" not to sell the stock. Why that would encourage buyers to buy more is a puzzlement but profit-taking was had by many as plenty of them sold later as the price eventually settled at $18 and will no doubt return dropping towards the abyss on Monday.

I wrote "promised" because Trump will backstab his basement-dwelling fans the first chance he gets because once he loses the election the worthless on November 6th.

BTW, November 6th is my birthday. I can ask for no finer present than a Democratic White House, House and Senate. And it doesn't even have to be gift-wrapped.


I bike for exercise and I have an 3-mile, basically circular course from which my house is the center. I take the same route three times for a total of nine miles, plus whatever I need for the cool-down period.

Yesterday, on the first leg of the tour, I passed by a young gray tabby cat sitting on the sidewalk. As is my habit I give her a quick "kitty-kitty-kitty"and pedaled on.

About ten minutes later, on my second tour of the cycle, I found the little cat lying in the middle of the street, obviously having been hit by a car. I moved her to the curb and alerted her owner, if "owner" is the right word as the cat was a stray that she fed, and named "Pearl", along with several others. We eventually found a suitable cardboard coffin and laid Pearl to her final catnap.

What haunts me, and it's a strange bit of knowledge to possess, is that I was probably the last person to see this little animal alive. And now I have her ghost in my memory playing on a loop, but I'm not sad about it. I'm glad I was there to share her last stray moments of existence and I hope her precious few months on this Earth were happy.

The bigger point is that there's a similar "unseen car" waiting for all of us. Will you leave behind only an image playing on a loop in someone's mind or will you leave behind something more tangible, like a tree planted in your yard, or a candidate you voted for who's more interested in the future than in future profits.

Yes, this was me trying to find greater purpose in the lives of you, me, and even this little cat. Pearl is reminding me that life is short, so make good choices while you're here. Vote Blue.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftacious News for September 13, 2024

Trump calls Tim Walz the "future vice president".

Trump poses an existential threat on the life of this planet. No joke.

Something weird is going on with Trump and Laura Loomer.

North Dakota's abortion ban is overturned.

Republicans are sensationalizing this story to take the focus off the fact that Trump lost the debate because he's losing his MAGA marbles.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Debate Humor
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The progressive comic featuring jokes about the debate and how badly Trump did.

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