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The progressive comic about all the lying by Trump and Vance

end rant

Liars Parkour

The man who didn't shoot at Trump on Sunday voted for him in 2016.

Before that election Trump suggested that the "Second Amendment people" could stop Hillary from appointing the wrong people to the Supreme Court if she'd won.

You'd almost think Trump would approve of the guy following his own advice. He IS a stable jee-nyuss you know.


Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville is on right-wing media saying we need to use SEAL teams, several of them, to protect Trump from his own voters trying to, uhhh, catch more than his ear.

1. SEAL teams cannot be used on American soil.

2. Tuberville is the guy, the lone Senator, who stopped vital military promotions for ten months because the Pentagon has pro-choice policies.

These effing idiot MAGA people! ARGHH!


Mark Cuban says he'd like to buy Twitter and/or Fox News (Yay!) but the price is too high (Boo!).

However, methinks after Kamala wins the election the asking price of both is gonna drop JUSSSSST a peench.


Review: “Weirdo’s World" (Reality TV show) Episode 397

Having lost badly to Kamala Harris in their debate Donald retreats to Mar-a-Lago and pretends he actually won, refusing to consider a second debate. In an attempt to deflect public perception from his stinging loss he engages in high-profile assignations with lurid white nationalist Laura Loomer, claims he was the target of another assassination attempt, and tweets “I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT!”.

Meanwhile, JD Vance continues to fan the flames of violence against a Haitian community in Springfield, Ohio, insisting that a wholly-fabricated and totally debunked story about pet-eating, initiated by Donald during the debate, is true. JD then appears on Sunday news programs admitting that making up such lies are part of his job, at one point telling the female moderator, Dana Bash, to “shut up” when she reminds him of the danger of these lies.

As the episode ends parts of Springfield, Ohio is on fire and multiple bomb threats have been made by Trump supporters.


As Kamala Harris runs for President let's all recall how she became Vice-President.

It's because the people wanted a woman of color for Vice-President and so Joe Biden followed the will of the people. And the people liked the fact that he picked a woman of color, and 82 million of those people voted for the two of them in 2020.

Do I think we'll see those same 82 million voters again? Yes, I do, probably even more, because America wants someone really smart and superbly capable heading this government, regardless of their race or gender, over someone who's greedy and hateful.

No matter what the polls may say, and they're looking pretty damn sweet for democracy, be there this November. And vote Blue.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftacious News for September 17, 2024

JD Vance admits to creating fictions in order to demonize minority groups.

Judge Eileen Cannon caught with her hand in the Conservative cookie jar again.

Yes. Women DO die as a result of Trump's abortion malfeasance.

By extrapolating the poll data it appears about 18 million Republicans are stupid enough to believe Haitians are eating pets.

Secret Service is investigating an Elon Musk tweet in which he insinuated Kamala Harris should be assassinated

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
hillary lost comic
Three million!


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Until you recall.
Trump: I lied over 30,000 as president.
This seemed important.
Vance: I lied about cat-eating haitians and I'll lie more.
Bonus 'toon
Trump: look at all my voters forming a human shield to protect me from assassins.
Secret Service: Those are Democrats, sir.
Today's 'toon: Now why would Democrats… oh… OHHHhhhhhh.

The progressive comic all the lying Trump and Vance do.

trump chest pains comic debate jokes comic