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The progressive comic about Trump being completely shameless

end rant

The Grate Debate

I made a big mistake on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning.

After the presidential debate was over I wallowed in the joy, in all its many online forms, of Kamala's surgical take-down of Trump. I laughed and guffawed and tittered and snorted at the memes and the cartoons and the snark until the wee hours, then got back up and wallowed some more. Watching Trump's Truth Social stock price slump was cathartic, too.

(Best line of the day: Trump got spanked so hard by Kamala he wrote her a check for $130,000 out of habit.)

It was all great. Thank you, Kamala! You rock! Thanks for  being you.

Sometime later I remembered that I needed to create a comic and I suddenly realized that everyone had beat me to the good punches, or punch lines. I didn't want to inadvertently copy another's idea and god knows the internet didn't need another cat-eating joke so I spent a lot of time on Wednesday just staring into the void.

Then I noticed that Trump was claiming to have won the debates by scores of 99-6 or 87-5, etc., which was hilarious, so I investigated and discovered they were from sites like the Daily Caller and Newsmax. So if you find this cartoon lame, blame Donald. It's his fault.


We of the progressive sort are suddenly seeing light at the end of this long, dark tunnel this country entered in November of 2016. I, among many others in the creative community, am looking forward to a Trump-free future apart from the occasional headline announcing his imminent internment and/or obituary. Just a few more weeks of Trump-busting and then it's back to tweaking religious noses and taking pot-shots at guns. Stay frosty.


Speaking of the debate, it was hard not to watch Kamala as she masterfully baited Trump all night, but focusing on the stinky orange bastard had its own rewards, too.

The parade of random tics and expressions that washed across his face was almost as if the little people inside his head had never seen the emotion control board before so instead of reading the manual on how humans are supposed to react they started snorting oven cleaner and proceeded to hold a contest over who could kick each other in the balls the hardest.


For all you future historians who have somehow found this web page while researching the subject of what the hairy fuck happened to this country from 2015-2025, here's a shortened version of Donald Trump's responses during the first presidential debate of 2024.

ABC moderators: "Mr. Trump, do you have a health care plan?"
Trump: "No."
Mods: "An economic plan?"
Trump: "No."
Mods: "Do you regret your part in J6?"
Trump: "No."
Mods: "Will you restrict abortion access?"
Trump: "Ain't sayin'."
Mods: "What is your plan for Ukraine?"
Trump: "Ain't sayin'."
Mods: "What is your plan for Israel?"
Trump: "Ain't sayin'."
Mods: "What is your plan to stop climate change?"
Trump: "Ain't sayin'."
Mods:"Is there anything you CAN tell us?"


The anniversary of the military-industrial complex's most successful false flag attack on this country came and went unremarked by me this year, which is unusual, but these are unusual times and no one seems to care about Building Seven anymore but me anyway. Ah, well. See you next year.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftacious News for September 12, 2024

Kamala Harris humiliated Trump in their first debate.

The world laughed at Trump when, during the debate, he shared a bogus story that people in Springfield were eating cats.

Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris.

Trump required to pay $145k up front deposit before Thursday rally in Tucson.

Trump wants ABC shut down for fact-checking him during the debate.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
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Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Donald Says: How To Avoid Shame, or how to be shameless.
When beaten badly in a debate choose your own poll results. - "See? RedNaziSS.com says I won by 137%!"
After losing an election invite friends to visit. - "RSVP The Capitol. Red hats and truncheons required."
While serving time (Trump in prison) it helps to set a goal. - "Stop the steal Text $$$ to Trump2028"

The progressive comic about Trump being completely shameless.

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