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The progressive comic about the Trump-Harris debate

end rant

Paper Tigger

The FBI reports that up to 500 American "influencers" are being paid by the Russian government to spread disinformation during the U.S. elections.

Expected GOP response: "This is unamerican! We must do everything we can to protect our democracy from our enemies!"

Actual GOP response: "Pssst! Hey, youse influencer guys. Don't tawk ta noboddy widout a lawyah, capiche?"


That Tyreek Hill video was some fucked-up shit. I hope those sadistic, smooth-brained cops find themselves selling shoes and Tyreek finds himself a whole lot richer real soon.


(An imaginary conversation now ensues)

Lefty: I think the assassination attempt was a fraud. I think that kid never took a shot directly at Trump and the subsequent "damage" to his ear was executed using a squib.

Donald Trump: You're right, that's exactly how we did it.

Lefty : What! Donald Trump? Why would you admit to that?

Trump: Because it doesn't matter. If you tell anyone else they'll just call you a conspiracy kook.

Lefty: Even if I post it on my web site and pretend you actually admitted to me and the whole world that you're a huge fraud?

Trump: Yes, because conspiracy theories only work when the Conservative media pushes them.

Lefty: How about the one that say too much Ozempic turns your neocortex into guacamole?

Trump: Man, woman, TV, shark, battery, covfefe?

Lefty: Good night, Gracie.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftacious News for September 9, 2024

Trump is old and largely incoherent and the corporate-owned news media doesn't care.

Trump keeps using the word "blood" in his rallies. And it ain't his.

Kamala releases long document outlining her political positions.

Kamala's approval rating continues to grow.

RIP: James Earl Jones.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Donald's Debate Dress-Up
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The progressive comic about Trump and the Kamala debate.

shameless trump comic weird news comic