The FBI reports that up to 500 American "influencers" are
being paid by the Russian government to spread disinformation
during the U.S. elections.
Expected GOP response: "This is unamerican! We must
do everything we can to protect our democracy from our enemies!"
Actual GOP response: "Pssst! Hey, youse influencer guys.
Don't tawk ta noboddy widout a lawyah, capiche?"
That Tyreek Hill video was some fucked-up shit. I hope those sadistic,
smooth-brained cops find themselves selling shoes and Tyreek
finds himself a whole lot richer real soon.
(An imaginary conversation now ensues)
Lefty: I think the assassination attempt was a fraud. I think
that kid never took a shot directly at Trump and the subsequent "damage" to
his ear was executed using a squib.
Donald Trump: You're right, that's exactly how we did it.
Lefty : What! Donald Trump? Why would you admit to that?
Trump: Because it doesn't matter. If you tell anyone else
they'll just call you a conspiracy kook.
Lefty: Even if I post it on my web site and pretend you actually
admitted to me and the whole world that you're a huge fraud?
Trump: Yes, because conspiracy theories only work when the
Conservative media pushes them.
Lefty: How about the one that say too much Ozempic turns
your neocortex into guacamole?
Trump: Man, woman, TV, shark, battery, covfefe?
Lefty: Good night, Gracie.