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The progressive comic about the weird shit that occurred this week

end rant

In Other News

Judge Juan Merchan's perplexing decision this morning to delay the sentencing of Trump until after the election may have come down to the following conversation:

Trump: "Judge, if you sentence me before the election, but I win it anyway, you better start looking for a job at McDonalds because you're gonna be done as a judge. I got Justice Kennedy and I'll get you and your little dog, too!"

That's not me being cynical. That's the mafia Trump way of doing things.


JD Vance saying that "shootings are a fact of life" and then giving speeches behind bullet-proof glass is peak Republican bullshit.

Secondarily, what is Vance afraid of? What kind of moron would shoot JD Vance?


Jack Smith recently filed a sealed, and classified, document in Trump's election interference case. Dun-dun-dunnnnnnn.

This is significant because this case will be dismissed by Trump's DOJ if he wins the election.

IF he wins the election.

So Jack Smith suspects something. Something, I suspect, wonderful.


If Russians are giving Youtube "influencers" $5 million dollars a year to broadcast propaganda just imagine how much Russkie dough people like Mike Johnson, Marjorie Taylor Greene, RFK and Donald Trump are probably getting.


Yes, I know the Tim Walz thing in today's 'toon seems weird but it's only weird because some really weird people, aka Fox News, tried to make it weird that Walz drank a vanilla shake with a straw, intimating that real men don't drink shakes with a straw. To which I respond:

- Lefty

end rant

Leftacious News for September 6, 2024

Dick Cheney is voting for Kamala? Really? Yes, really?

Judge delays sentencing reserves opportunity to send Trump to prison for Trump election interference crime until after the election.

JD Vance says school shootings are a fact of life.

Trump puts his monumental stupidity on display at the The Economic Club of New York.

How Russia secretly paid right-wing podcasters millions of dollars.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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This Week in the News
Another school mass-shooting. JD Vance: Shootings are a fact of life. Thank god for bullet-proof glass.
Conservative influencers discovered to have been paid millions by the Russians "Putin and Trump were born of the same virgin!"
Trump's brain melts down at economics forum "The loons. Can you tariff the loons?"
Tim Walz drank a milkshake.. with a straw! A good source of protein and calcium!

The progressive comic about what a weird week it's been.

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