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The progressive comic about the candidates for president

end rant

One Out of Four Ain't Bad

Here are the three best words to hear from someone:
"I Love You."

Here are the three dumbest words to hear from someone: "Donald Trump said..."

To wit, Trump campaign speeches would make a LOT more sense if he ended them with "Don't forget to tip your waitress."


Gotta hand it to Putin's pal, Jill Stein.

Somehow she knew, as early as July 2023, that Kamala would be handed the reins to the presidency last month. So now she's rested and ready to get back on the campaign trail and split just enough of the female vote off the Kamala win column to help Trump win steal the presidency, just like she helped him win steal it in 2016.

In case you didn't notice, and most of us didn't, Jill didn't run for president in 2020. Why? Because she wasn't going to split the white man vote.


On a related note, the Biden administration is hitting Russia with sanctions over its efforts to manipulate the U.S. presidential election via its use of disinformation across social media and, one supposes, the candidacy of Jill Stein.


Four years ago I wrote something along the lines of "After Biden wins the election I'll never have to draw another crummy cartoon featuring that rat-bastard Trump ever again."

Still hoping, but I think my wish will come true this time. Though, honestly, I think I'll rather enjoy crafting images featuring Trump getting shivved and butt-raped in prison.


Remember when there was an assassination attempt of a porky mob leader who was shot in the ear and then wore a big old sanitary napkin to cover it up?

No, not Trump. Tony Soprano.

(Now we know where Republicans get all their ideas.)

tony soprano's ear

- Lefty

end rant

Leftacious News for September 4, 2024

Goldman Sachs predicts stronger GDP and job growth is Democrats control government after elections.

Goldman Sachs predicts economic downturn if Trump wins.

Trump admits he lost the 2020 election. Jack Smith, are you listening?

Trump's tariff plans will definitely be a tax on consumers.

Bill Clinton's economic miracle was driven by attention to small business. Kamala plans to do the same.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Meet The Candidates
I'm Kamala Harris and I'm running to ensure our Democracy endures.
I'm Jill Stein and I'm running to steal votes from Kamala in swing states. (wearing "I heart Moscow" shirt)
I'm Donald Trump and I'm running to stay out of jail.
I'm Oliver Chase and I'm apparently running for librarian… or something?

The progressive comic about the candidates for President.

weird week news comic the gish gallop comic