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The progressive comic about Trump and the Gish Gallop

end rant


The Gish Gallop. It's a real thing.

You flood the media environment with nonsense and soon it doesn't know where to start asking "WTF?". It helps, as in Trump's case, when you're incapable of stringing two similar ideas together.

Here's a tip, media people... Ignore the fat, lying motherfukker. No one's listening to him anyway.


Why am I drawing cartoons on Labor Day? Because ah LUVS ya!

Also, when you're in the freelance art biz biz every day is both a holiday
AND a work day. It's sort of like working at McDonalds.


Donald Trump anagrams:

Or Turd Mold Pan
Or M. Old Turd Nap
Or Don Turd Palm
Or Old DNA Trump
Or Old Rant Dump
Or Lord Damp Nut
Or Mad Old PR Nut


Happy Labor Day!

- Lefty

end rant

Leftalicious News for September 2, 2024

Trump puts head in noose, claims he had every right to overthrow the government.

Trump is systematically drumming-up another insurrectionist army in racist 'burgs.

Kamala making inroads in the Sun Belt.

Kamala will get some benefit from falling gas prices, but Trump won't. Eat it, Donald.

A quarter of Republicans view Kamala positively. That's a lot.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

The Gish Gallop vs. The Kamala Karma:
Kamala: It's your body. It's your decision
Trump: I'm pro-life. I'm pro-choice. There has to be some form of punishment for abortion. I would defund Planned Parenthood. I want a 6-week limit. I want a 15-week limit. Maybe a 16-week limit. Maybe more than that. You got to make concessions. It's the will of the people. Let's let the State decide. They're executing babies after birth. I am proud to have gotten rid of Roe.

The progressive comic about Trump and the Gish gallop.

meet the presidential candidates comic how to be president comic