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The progressive comic about the Republican plan to steal the 2024 election.

end rant

To Be Or Just Be Stealin'

Trump is saying that Kamala is trying to find a way to get out of the debate...

Let's be absolutely fucking clear about this...

Either mics on or mics muted, having to debate in a swimming pool filled with crocodiles or not, Kamala will be there for the debate.

Trump is the yellow, gutless, inarticulate, guacamole-brained, chicken-shit trying to find reasons to be elsewhere that day.

She will eat that fat fascist alive. If he shows up.


Kamala's candidacy is like Reagan's in one way: They both bring big happy smiles to their campaign.

The difference is that Kamala's smiles are truly genuine while Reagan was just acting... because that's all he was. An actor.


I'm old enough to remember when age and mental acuity of a presidential candidate was all the media talked about.


In case you missed it....

Trump planned in advance to stage a fake memorial at Arlington National Cemetery, film it in violation of the law, then attack Kamala Harris for not showing up. Knowing it was against the rules, his staff then pushed a female employee out of the way and derided her as mentally ill, and then lied about the incident. Trump's people say they have video of the incident but won't release it because, you know, it was all just innocent fun. Or something.

The woman decided not to press charges because, she said, she's afraid of retaliation by Trump and/or Trump's people. That's a mafia at work.

SOOOoooooo Presidential.


When Trump bullied his way in to Arlington National Cemetery, where he may someday be buried, he may have just been taking an opportunity to put the final nail in his coffin.


Technical Note: Today's comic was modified slightly as I felt that Trump's original dialogue was too conjectural to be amusing, if I can ever use that word here.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftacular News for August 30, 2024

Kamala Harris had a sit-down interview. It went very well.

Trump furiously back-pedaling on reproductive rights but America ain't stupid.

Voter enthusiasm for Kamala near record levels for Obama in 2008.

Tam Walz thinks there is a better way to choose the President than the electoral college.

The Trump shit-storm that is the Arlington National Cemetery.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

How to become president
Kamala: Become a District Attorney, then an Attorney General, then a Senator, then the Vice-president and then win the Presidency based on merit.
Trump: Convince just enough racist white men to vote for you in order to exploit the flaws of the electoral college.

The progressive comic about the Republican Party's plan to steal the presidential election.

the gish gallop comic Trump's racism comic