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The progressive comic about Trump's racism.

end rant

Three Little Words

JD Vance may be fucking couches, but Trump is fucking nuts.


I know my cartoons are often too serious so how about some funny stuff?

Funny how a kid with a rifle got within 400 feet of Trump.
Funny how he fired eight rounds and somehow missed the body of a fat man planted firmly in place.
Funny how a brace of snipers looked right at Thomas Crooks and still let him shoot.
Funny how rally-goers saw the shooter but none of Trump's security did.
Funny how Crooks had no apparent motive to shoot Trump.
Funny how Trump's ear healed so quickly.
Funny how none of the Secret Service agents were wearing ear pieces.
Funny how Tommy Crook's body was so quickly and quietly cremated.
(Sort of like Ken Lay.)


I'm definitely not the first to posit this notion but there is much anxiety lately regarding AI and it's powerful ability to reconstruct the reality, particularly regarding video.

Hate to break it to you but the American film industry has been doing that very thing for the past hundred years with televised productions coming on line in the 50s.

Movie magic has always been t's almost impossible to watch a new film these days and separate the foreground from the green screen.

As for messaging, prurient


Teacher: "Billy, please use the word 'literally' in a sentence."

Billy: "Donald Trump literally lies about everything."

Teacher: "....... Close enough."

- Lefty

end rant

Leftazing News for August 28, 2024

Multitudes of new voters coming on-line this election, and most look like Harris voters.

JD Vance says childless leaders disorient and disturb him. That's too bad.

Trump opens his deteriorating pie-hole and claims that he won California in the 2020 election.

74% of reproductive age American women think abortion should be legal. And they're going to vote like it.

Did I mention that Trump has been re-indicted for his role in the January 6th insurrection?

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
racism comic
Good old hater aid.


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Trump: I wanna say the b-word but I can't. I wanna say the c-word but I can't. I really wanna say the n-word but I can't.
Kamala: You are so Weird.
T: This is so Unfair.

The progressive comic about Trump's racism.

how to win the presidency  comic Trump's lies comic