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The progressive comic about Trump's lying ass.

end rant

Think of the (White) Children

The exact phrase Trump used at a recent rally, the one featured in this comic, was “Kamala Harris lost, which is impossible to believe, 325,000 migrant children. They’re gone, missing. She allowed them to be trafficked into our country. They are probably sex trafficked or dead.”

The audience at that rally was strangely muted when Trump made this insane allegation. Either they were stunned by the possibility that it was true or stunned that he'd say something so obvious stupid.

This lie by Trump was bad enough but there are worse to follow. Stay alert, folks.


What other kind of blithering nonsense is Trump spreading out there? Oh, yes, that's right... he wants to restrict the First Amendment. The exact words were: "You burn an American flag you go to jail for one year. Gotta do it. They say 'Sir, that's unconstitutional.' We'll make it unconstitutional."

Personally, I think lying so much that your pants metaphorically burst into flames should be unconstitutional but, for Fox News, the worst abusers of the First Amendment in the known universe, it's profitable. So here we are.


Trump went to Arlington National Cemetary today to lay a ceremonial wreath. It wasn't to commemorate an occasion or honor any particular serviceman. It was simply to give Fox News a slice of video of him doing something that's not suffused with malice. Engaging in this charade I'm sure took a whole team of advisors to convince him to play along.

After all, who needs suckers and losers when you could be golfing?


Five oddly satisfying words I read this week:

Billionaire dies when yacht sinks.


Technical Note: I had promised myself that I was going to draw Trump henceforth as a two-headed candidate but it simply didn't work within the logic of today's 'toon. Maybe next time.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftazing News for August 26, 2024

Trump is worried about live mics at the upcoming Presidential debate.

JD Vance as a never-Trumper is a Tik Tok viral hit.

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith urges appeals court to resurrect Trump classified documents case.

Texas removes more than a million "ineligible" voters from the rolls.

Trump to hold gala that honors the criminals who tried to overthrow the government on January 6th.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Lefty: Donald Trump allowed over 325,000 migrant children into this country, and they’re all missing. he allowed them to be sex-trafficked
or they’re dead.
Trump: Hey! Stop that! That's what I've been accusing Kamala of!
Is it true?
(whispers) Nah. It's just a trick. if you repeat something, people believe it.
(yelling) Trump separated over 325,000 migrant children from their families… sex-trafficked many of them and left the rest to die.

The progressive comic about Trump's lying ass

the n-word comic project 2025 comic