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The progressive comic about the choice between Kamala and Trump.

end rant

Put On A Happy Face

Do you realize we went directly from the worst one-term President ever to possibly the best one-term President ever? Considering the economic and Constitutional mess Trump left behind we were quite fortunate to have Mr. Biden on this country's side.

Thank you for being there for us, sir!


The VP of Captain Bone Spurs, JD "baise mon divan" Vance, is currently trying to suggest that his six months in Afghanistan as an Air Force journalist/photographer is somehow superior to Tim Walz twenty-four years of actual military service. That Walz is somehow guilty of "stolen valor".

Vance now says he won't debate Mr. Walz. If a reptile like Vance could be said to feel shame I'd say he's now too ashamed to stand on the same stage as a real soldier and look him in the eye.

The fucking GALL of these people.


The following is a description by a female journalist, Amanda Marcotte, of a Philadelphia campaign stop for JD Vance, one which totaled about 200 attendees:

" Every type of white man that gets a hasty "swipe left" on his dating profile was in attendance: 'Roided out dudes with bad tribal tattoos. Older men radiating "bitter divorce" energy. Men with enormous beards that have never known the touch of a trimmer. Skinny fascists wearing expensive suits, despite the oppressive heat. Glowering loners staring at the two women under 40 like cats watching birds out a window."

Mmmmm. Snarkalicious!

Kind of old news but Trump congratulated Putin, not Biden, for the hostage exchange.

That's like a detective negotiating the return of someone's children and the parent thanks the kidnapper for making such a great deal.

Trump is weird as fuck.


The same people who wore sanitary napkins on their heads in support of Trump are now calling Kamala's new veep, Tim Walz, "Tampon Tim".

By all appearances the GOP is taking all its campaign strategy cues from old episodes of Beevis and Butthead.


If you're bothered by the current state of the economy, take note:

The Democratic Party spent the past three-plus years cleaning up Trump's mess while the Republican Party spent the past three-plus years hindering the process.

So tell me again.... who you voting for in 2024?


The original header for this comic read "Take your pick", but this confused some people on the 'net who weren't quite certain of my intentions so I altered the text to indicate we're referring to the two presidential candidates of slightly differeing hues. 

The problem here is my own because the gag made perfect sense to this brain thing that is currently apologizing for goofing this up. It will do better next time or I'll leave it to McDonald's when I die.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftacular News for August 7, 2024

Gov. Tim Walz does not own stocks, securities, or real estate. He's one of us.

The Captain Bone Spurs campaign is trying to smear Tim Walz' military record. Of COURSE they are.

The Harris campaign raised $41 million in one day after choosing Tim Walz as veep.

Walz can't wait to debate Vance. (Couch joke goes here.)

Kamala's polling makes huge leap over Trump.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
gun museum
The big picture.


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Two happy face symbols. One off-yellow and smiling (Kamala) and one orange and frowning (Trump). Pick your president.

The progressive comic about the choice between Kamala Harris and Trump.

serenade for weirdo animation new kamala slogans comic