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The progressive comic about Kamala campaign slogans.

end rant


Some of you may have noticed that there was no (ACK!) Raging Pencils comic on Friday because I recently treated my nervous system like a rented mule (#$@K!) and it kicked back.

My advice in this regard is to not sit awkwardly at your (GGHHK!) computer playing games for long periods of time as it might cause your spine to shift just enough to send your (AGGHK!) upper nervous system into a masochistic frenzy, setting into motion a (ZZHK!) cascade of electro-muscular spasms up and down your neck and skull until you begin to regret your own mortality.

Unless, that is, you (GRRK!) like that sort of thing.

I'm better now with only the occasional (URK!) reminder to maintain proper (ERRK!) posture.Onward.


Dear Harris election campaign: Please consider my humble cartoon as a quick example of holding that horrible orange jackass up to public derision. I am certain that exposing his "brilliant" slogans for the simplistic twaddle they are would give all of those living in reality a hearty chuckle and would sincerely piss off all the rest. It's win-win.


The GOP is currently catapulting the propaganda that America just doesn't have enough kids. Do you know what kind of societies have large families?

Primitive, unindustrialized ones. Where birth control is absent and having extra kids is money in the bank when harvest time comes. So what if a few succumb to illness or disease or starvation along the way. Mom and Dad can always make more.

Indisputable data has revealed that as a society becomes more industrialized the smaller the family size becomes. That's why population numbers in India and China are predicted to drop considerably by the end of the century.

So what is the GOP's game? As always, they've picked a voiceless avatar, in this case children who have not yet been born, to use as leverage to increase their grip on the levers of power. Conservatives don't give two shits about children and their policies on health care, education, and childhood poverty all prove it.


FYI: For those on the lookout for new RP's during the week my schedule lately is to wake up Mon-Wed-Fri, scan the news, rap myself sharply on the noggin with a fried baloney sammich, and then frantically crank out a 'toon hopefully before the 5PM deadline I set for myself.

For years I used to punish myself striving to post my 'toons on Sun-Tues-Thurs nights at precisely midnight but I'm reserving those evenings now for much-needed recreation. Thanks for sticking around until they show up.


Final thing: There's a new reboot of Batman in Pop-Cultureland so I had to check it out. Thumbnail review: Kid stuff…

BUT, the Penguin, who is a woman in this new series, has two dorky adult sons and they strongly resemble Eric and Donald Jr. Maybe there's some wish-fulfillment going on here by the writers but Ms. Penguin early on throws "Eric" into a steamer trunk and dumps him in the ocean. Yeah, he dies. Later she issues a fatwa on "Donald" when he rats her out to the cops because he knows he's next. Weird family. Don't know where the writers get these ideas.
eric and donals trump

- Lefty

end rant

Leftawesome News for August 5, 2024

The presidential polls are revealing what we already know... Trump is too damn old to run for president.

It's becoming clearer every day that Clarence Thomas might just have a murdered flight attendant buried in his basement.

Elon Musk hoists his racist freak flag.

What? Trump take illegal bribes for a foreign donor? How can that be? (Easy! It's Trump.)

Twenty-five per-cent of Congress are fucking morons or they're pretending to be fucking morons for Big Oil's sake.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
trump sign
I'll drink to that!


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Proposed Kamala campaign slogans
Lock him up… because he was found guilty of 34 felonies!
Build the wall…. between church and state!
Stop the steal… of your money by instituting a corporate windfall profits tax!
Never surrender…. your democracy to a weird, old, rapist con-man!

The progressive comic about Kamala campaign slogans

choice 2024 comic project 2025 comic