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The progressive comic about project 2025.

end rant

Orange Is the New Racism

Alert: There may not be a new cartoon today (Friday, 8-2-24) as I have a health issue that precludes being either artistic or snarky. I'll live but.... ooogh!


So I'm calmly coloring today's 'toon when news arrived about Trump questioning whether Kamala Harris is Black.

Scratch that!

He actually said she isn't really Black. She just "chose" to be Black after being Indian all her life.

Oh! My! Asimov!

The old saw is that Trump isn't really racist but anyone who IS racist votes for him. (He's racist.) So his pronouncement today won't affect his hard-line voters but he can bid the Independent vote adieu. But why even posit such a notion?

There's some conjecture that Trump thinks he can be the worst presidential candidate in U.S. history because he's counting on Conservative state officials to not certify the electoral votes and thus shift the final choice of President to a Red-friendly House of Representatives.

But, if you've heard those same possibilities I am personally consoled, after hearing from several legal historians, that this scenario can't happen, that any reluctance on the part of state officials will be slapped down almost immediately by federal judges.

So vote!


When the final Presidential debate happens (it will) I would like Kamala to walk out on stage wearing six-inch platform shoes, stop at the podium, smile sweetly at Trump, and then say to the audience "I call these my 'Dump Trump Pumps'."


Florida has abortion access and legal weed on the ballot, both issues with high favorability. And Florida has a large Hispanic/Latin population that seems to be skewing towards Kamala.

If, on Election Night, Florida is called for Ms. Harris then you might just go on to bed and begin having pleasant "Trump dying in jail" dreams because he's done.
Put criminals where they belong. Vote Blue!

I should add that Trump beat Biden by 3.4% of the vote in Florida in 2020, about 375k votes. A 2% swing to Kamala wins those electoral votes. I have little doubt the women who want their reproductive freedom back, plus the pot-smokers wanting the government off their backs (plus Trump passing a huge turd on stage today) should win it for her. Have faith!

- Lefty

end rant

Leftomaniacal News for July 31, 2024

Trump is suddenly... concerned... about his adoption of Project 2025. Bwah-hahahahahahahahha!

Trump throws gasoline on his racist fires on a stage in front of Black journalist and says "Bye-Bye" to winning the White House.

Senator Mark Kelly reminds America that Trump is a big fat hypocritical phony when it comes to border security.

Kamala Harris double-dog-dares Trump to show up to the presidential debate and.

(Because Trump plans to destroy the U.S. economy and make Bitcoin the official currency.)

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
trump in rat trap
Ohhhhh.. SNAP!


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Trump with huge Project 2025 bear-trap on his ass.
Vance: It says here it should only work on democrats.
Trump: Well, look again, dammit!

The progressive comic about project 2025

kamala slogans comic trump's christians comic