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The progressive comic about Trump promising the end of elections.

end rant

Through the Cooking Glass

I'm not sure why I even bother dressing up these ludicrous statements by Trump as I could just as easily offer a link to the video of the exact moment he said it and dispel all disbelief that any candidate for public office could be so demented as to promise, out loud, that he'd end the democratic process and representative governance like it was a good thing.

Hurry, Kamala, and win this damned thing as I need a little reality to play with... and soon!


Speaking of which, auspices for Kamala's eventual seat behind the Resolute Desk are auguring well.

And to Trump supporters everywhere I ask "Why are you still planning to vote for a rapist whose mind is clearly turning to tapioca?"

To which the answer is: "You're too shamed to admit you've been had by this charlatan. And, thus, you'll take your support for him to your grave which, frankly, can't be soon enough for me. Bye, Felicia, and make it fast."


Trump tried to explain to Laura Ingraham what he meant when he said "Christians would never have to vote again", after he had"fixed everything". It's a word salad core breech even Geordi La Forge couldn't contain.


The previous cartoon I created about the Trump cult did very, VERY well on the /r/comics sub-Reddit. The most oft-repeated comment was "Why does one boot cost more than the other?"

There was no right answer as I had slapped on two dollar signs and didn't think it would make any difference to anyone... at all. Reddit is a strange place.


Funny how Trump's bullet wound healed up so fast.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftomaniacal News for July 29, 2024

President Joe Biden tackles the problem of the structural rot within the Supreme Court.

Kamala Harris' approval rating soars as Trump's slides into the dumper.

Republican Mayor in Arizona publicly backs Kamala for president.

Fox News gets burned playing with Pete Buttigieg fire.

Ruby-red Florida retirement community goes significantly Blue for Kamala.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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The Fascist and the Carpetbagger, the Walrus and the Carpenter
Tip o' the hat to Lewis Carroll
The time has come, the fascist said, to speak of other things.
Trump: If you vote for me this one time, dear oysters, I mean, dear Christians, you'll never have to vote again!

The progressive comic about Trump promising no more elections

project 2025comic trump cult comic