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The progressive comic about Kamala Harris running for president.

end rant

High-Speed Correction

Trump said at a rally last night that "We'll never have a female president."

Never. That's a big word for him.

In 2025 not only could we have the first female President, we can also have the first ex-president going to jail.... for the rest of his life.

Let's make it happen!


For those concerned about how Kamala's genetics will affect her chances of election in November:

This country elected a Black man twice to be President.

A woman garnered three million more votes than Trump in 2016.

A mixed-race woman was on the ticket when Trump lost by seven million votes in 2020.

I think we got this. Kamala will do fine.


Why there will never be a second Presidential debate:

Moderator: "Ms. Harris, you may begin your opening statement."

Harris: "Thank you. I would like to directly address the rapist to my right…"

Trump: "I'm outta here."


The irony is going to be de-LISH-ious next spring whenever I see immigrant yard workers wearing "Let's Go Brandon" t-shirts and hats that had to be desperately disposed of by the thousands, maybe millions, at the back doors of thrift stores and Goodwills.


Press: "Mr. Trump, recent polling indicates that choosing JD Vance as your VP is dragging your numbers down. What do you say to that?"

Trump: "Vance? Never heard of him. Must be a loser."

(PS, Go look up "JD Vance opioid charity scam".)


"People who don't have children, like the crazy cat ladies, don't have a stake in this country and shouldn't be allowed to vote."
- Republican Vice-Presidential candidate and Trump Mini-Me J.D. Vance. (paraphrased only slightly)

"Cat lady" is the next "woke", the next "flip-flopper", the next "green M&M". It's not about policy, it's a wedge device designed to muddy the conversational waters. It wasn't a slip of the tongue. It was carefully planned.

So recognize this technique, laugh at it and instead wait to hear what these fascist toads say about the issues.... which is nada.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftomaniacal News for July 24, 2024

Trump's memory is, technically speaking, a steaming load of poo-poo.

Gen Z voters coming on board for Kamala Harris.

Trump supporters are flipping to Kamala.

Kamala rakes in $231 million dollars on first day of campaign.

Trump's nephew: "Uncle Donald told me disabled people should just die."

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
trump and satan on the phone
The Bargain.


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Kamala Harris as new iPhone, hailed by voters. Trump as old-fashioned dial telephone, looking dejected.

The progressive comic about Kamala Harris running for president.

the trump cultcomic harris vs trump comic