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The progressive comic about Kamala Harris running for president.

end rant

No Sugar-Coating Allowed

Thank you, President Joe Biden, for four great years as President! On your way out please throw the six Trump Supreme Court judges into the nearest wood-chipper.

Meanwhile, I've got my button finger all warmed and ready to press the "President Kamala Harris" button in November.

Excelsior and Godspeed, my Captain!


By all news accounts Kamala Harris is on the glide-path to be our next Democratic Presidential candidate. All the proper people are saying "Aye!" and opening their wallets to back it up but you just KNOW that the Foreign Troll Service is rubbing their hands together in gleeful preparation of disseminating vast troves of fear, uncertainty, doubt and a shit-load of lies about our current Veep.

Just sayin'.


Dear America;

You failed the "Trump vs. A Woman" test once. Let's not make the same horrible mistake twice.


"Laughin' Kamala" is Trump-speak for "silly ignorant darky".

"Bipedal Sack of Explosive Diarrhea" is my name for Trump.


Number of stitches used to close Trump's massive head wound: 0.


Lefty: "Now repeat after me... Trump is too old."
Media: "Tew-rawm... piss... tooowald."
Lefty: "No. Try again. Trump is too old."
Media: "Trawmp... iss... tew... aulllld."
Lefty: "Okay. Good enough. Now try this... "Trump must quit."
Media: "Trawmpuss... squit."
Lefty: "No. Say 'Trump'".
Media: "Turrrrrawwwmmmmmmp."
Lefty: "Must quit."
Media: "Mosssss kwit."
Lefty: "Now all together, 'Trump must quit'."
Media: "Kamala isss Blacccccck gurlllll."
Lefty: "Fuck me."

All humor aside, I hope Trump stays in because Kamala will absolutely fricassee him in the debate that he will absolutely try to get out of.


During his acceptance marathon Fools-Gold Jesus made the claim that "hundreds of thousands of Americans have died at the hands on illegal immigrants". Total bullshit of course.

You know who wasn't an immigrant?

Tommy Crooks, the 100% good old American Republican boy who tried to split Trump like a banana.

Speaking of which....


Let's say that Trump did not shift his head slightly on that Saturday night and so did not survive Tommy Crooks' bullet. You know who could have saved Trump's life?

President Joe Biden, because he's been trying to get assault rifles banned for years. Fireman Corey Comperatore would be alive today if the Republican Party had just attended Joe's sensible counsel instead of cashing NRA checks.

It was Tommy's finger on that trigger but it was the GOP that provided the opportunity.


One last thing: Tonight I watched a video of marksmen shooting at the ear of a facsimile human head, one constructed with a skin of ballistic gel.

What it showed, in super-slow motion, was that a bullet of that type striking even the tip of a human ear releases so much kinetic energy that it should have knocked Trump to the ground. Instead Trump barely reacted to the damage.

There is still no official notification that Trump was struck by a bullet. Now I'm certain he wasn't.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftomatic News for July 22, 2024

Trump's chances of winning declines after Biden drops out.

$50 million dollars pour into Harris presidential campaign.

Trump gave $6000 to Kamala Harris for her campaign runs.

All 50 state Democratic party chairs endorse Kamala Harris for president.

Trump is fucked.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
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Did she say racist or rapist?


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Welcome to Campaign 2024
Kamala: Fraud, felon, traitor, grifter, secessionist, sociopath, serial business failure, would-be dictator, antisemite, fascist, racist, nazi sympathizer, con-man, tax cheat, adulterer, narcissist, misogynist, liar, criminal and rapist.
Trump: Nigger.

The progressive comic about Kamala Harris running for president.

kamala 5g comic trump hates women comic