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The progressive comic about the Biden/Trump debate of 2024.

end rant

Con-Mander In Chief?

Joe Biden was sick at last night's debate, looking and sounding like he was on Death's doorstep. But today he's at a rally dancing and singing and doing back-flips and looking twenty years younger and WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?

To maintain my so-called sanity I'm guessing his performance at the debate was all a ruse intended to make Democrats feel protective of their old Joe, ramping up their support for him a notch.

Because otherwise....<shrug>.


So, who are you voting for? The soft-spoken old guy with a head cold who actually knows what he's talking about, or the mean-spirited felon who lies like he has a copyright on it?


How many times could YOU look into the face of America and lie dozens of times in 45 minutes? (Half of 90)

The following are all Trump lies from the debate. It's about a lie a minute and this is far from a complete list:

Claimed Blue states execute babies immediately after birth.
Said Democrats and legal scholars wanted Roe overturned.
Said that the U.S. currently has the biggest deficit ever (happened under Trump in 2020).
Said that U.S. currently has a record trade deficit with China (happened under Trump in 2018).
Claimed that Biden gets money from China.
No terror attacks under his presidency. (there were several).
Iran didn’t fund Hamas during his presidency.
Said Biden wants to quadruple people’s taxes.
The U.S. has provide more aid to Ukraine that Europe.
The U.S. has provided $200 billion in aid to Ukraine (it’s half that).
18 or 19 million people have crossed the border under Biden.
Claimed aid many migrants are from prisons or mental institutions.
Said that Biden is housing immigrants in luxury hotels.
Biden has only created jobs for illegal immigrants
Said Nancy Pelosi turned down his offer of 10,000 National Guard troops on Jan. 6
Said Nancy Pelosi admitted she turned down the offer of troops
Boasted he deployed the National Guard troops to Minneapolis in 2020
Claimed there was ridiculous” fraud in the 2020 elections.
Said NATO was going out of business before he took office.
Said the U.S. was paying 100% of NATO before he came along
Said he was the one who lowered insulin prices in Medicare
Said Biden personally indicted him
Said Europe won’t accept American cars.
Said food prices quadrupled under Biden
Said Biden made up the claim that he called dead servicemen “suckers” and “losers”.
Said Biden called Black people “super-predators” for ten years.
Claimed his 2018 tax cut was the largest in U.S. history.
Said China stopped buying from Iran under pressure from him.
Claimed he created the Veterans Choice program.
Said Biden got rid of Veterans choice.


Today, courtesy of the 6-3 Supreme Court:

Homeless people can no longer sleep on the street. Now they'll just have to sleep... uh, somewhere?

People who tried to kill Congressmen at the Capitol on January 6th were just horribly misunderstood.

Polluting states no longer have to worry about downwind states breathing their toxic fumes.

And federal agencies, staffed by qualified experienced people in their respective fields, no longer have final say about federal regulations and are now to be second-guessed by, guess who, the Supreme Court. What could possibly go wrong? Everything! Fucking EVERYTHING!

Funny how these announcements were made immediately after a presidential debate that is dominating the news.

But Steve Bannon has to report to jail on Monday. so, yay.


I stole the punchline in today's 'toon from Carol Burnett, the infamous "Elephant" story.

- Lefty
end rant

Leftopic News for June 28, 2024

Six heartless toads on the Supreme Court decide the homeless must disappear into the fifth dimension in order to take a nap.

Jake Tapper and Dana Bash sat idly by and allowed Trump to lie about everything.

The Supreme Court ruins everything.

Supreme Court rejects a settlement by the murderous Sackler family to its victims.

Indictments finally handed down over miserable police response to Uvalde school shooting.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

The 2024 debate
Mr. Trump, do you have a plan to lower inflation?
Yes. Biden puts rapists and terrorists in luxury hotels.
And I never called our soldiers "suckers and losers". Biden made that all up.
Didja know Democrats abort babies right after they're born?
January 6th was all Nancy Pelosi's fault!
Ukraine attacked Putin.
Mr. Biden, would you care to answer the question?
I don't know. You sure that little asshole is through?

The progressive comic about Trump's debate lies.

more denate 2024 comic trump poo flinging comic