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The progressive comic about the results of the debate of 2024.

end rant

Death Rattle

We don't need immunity laws if the President is an honorble man. That's why the Supreme Court HAD to redefine it, and they totally fucked it up.


Long, long time ago
I can still remember when this country used to make me smile
And I knew if we voted right
We could make conservatives see the light
And maybe they'd be happy for a while.

But First of July made me shiver
With the sad news it delivered
Strange new rules for POTUS
A new imperial SCOTUS.

That's when I sat down and cried
'Cause I knew that freedom had been crucified
And something broke me deep inside
The day Democracy died.

So bye, bye to American pride
Even Maddow was in shadow of this treacherous tide
Them autocrats were drinking vodka on ice
Singin' this'll be the day that they rise.
This'll be the day that they rise.


Today the six reptiles of the Insurrectionist Party of the Supreme Court doomed this fragile democracy to a death sentence by shredding the safeguards against lunatic presidents like convicted felon Donald J. Trump.

As of now there is no foreseeablescenario (but one, see below) of which I can perceive which will prevent the wholesale destruction of this country and what's left of this fragile world.

Even if President Biden legally, legally I might add, throws every election denier and all six Conservative judges into a dark hole and seals it shut with concrete and duct tape the backlash against such a move would result in another Conservative monster in the White H

Even if every alarmed patriot rushes to the polls this November and puts Mr. Biden back in the Oval Office, along with a veto-proof Democratic House and Senate, it's only a matter of time before we lose our caution and another Trump gains the throne.

The Supreme Court has lodged a cancerous time bomb in this nation's DNA. It has written the first chapter of a post-apocalyptic tale that that only a madman could enjoy.

Here's the one hopeful scenario: The American people understand the Supreme Court has made a HUGE mistake. Even Republicans see it. So we all rush to the polls and put that veto-proof Democratic administration in Washington... and the first thing President Biden does is expand the Supreme Court with five new judges that rescind this dangerous immunity decision. and then Congress introduces a Constitutional Amendment to counterdict the decision and, if we're lucky, it will pass before a trump-like creature gets his hands on the reins of power.

So, yeah! Let's do that one.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftopic News for July 1, 2024

The Supreme Court institutionalizes Americs as an Imperial Monarchy.

Hurricane Beryl makes history as first Category 4 hurricane to form in June.

Black Democrats push back against Trump's "Black jobs" debate statement.

Historian who predicted 9 of 10 last elections says Democrats should support Biden.

President Joe Biden stopped theTrump crime wave.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
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We've been here before. We're here again.


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Bobby took a history test. He was very sick that day but got almost all of the answers right.
Tommy took the same test but spent his time making fart noises and drawing obscene cartoons of Bobby.
Question: Which boy should be made class president?
Red hat: This a trick question?
Lefty: Just stamp your foot once for A, twice for B.

The progressive comic about the first 2024 debate results.

trump supreme court comic debate 2024 comic