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The progressive comic about the Biden/Trump debate of 2024.

end rant

Trump Is Excra-Mental

It's incumbent upon me, as it is with all cartoonists of an editorial bent, to pontificate on what the upcoming debate, or whatever the hell this thing is, between President Joe Biden and convicted rapist Donald J. Trump.

Soooooo, here ya go.


Technical note: My original version of this 'toon did not include the *sigh* from Tapper nor did he have his head buried in his hands. Though it was clear to ME when I drew it that literal shit-talking is the only way Trump can communicate in a debate the original version gave some readers the odd notion that Trump was merely returning fecal fire from Biden. Sorry to have to spoon-feed these things but you can't win a Pulitzer without kidnapping the judge's poodle.


Have you ever seen a real debate? Debates have rules. Trump doesn't follow those rules. Trump has therefore never been in a debate. He just shows up to rant and rave. He'd fling his own poo at President Biden if his tiny hands could reach his ass.

So stop calling it a debate.

It's a variety show, featuring "Covfefe, the drug-fueled racist clown" and Joe Biden, who will be reading several passages from "Pride and Prejudice" while directing a Russian bear to ride in circles on a tricycle.


Trump said Hillary Clinton was jacked-up on drugs during their debates in 2016.

Trump is now saying Joe Biden is going to be jack-up on drugs for their Thursday debate.

Trump is the only one of the three who is jacked-up on drugs.


Joe Biden (Basically): "Water pollution and the deterioration of our major aquifers is creating a severe strain on this country's water resources.That is why we've challenged manufacturers to create products that reduce the amount of water required for cleaning our clothes and dishes. This is not a popular policy but we must all agree that it is a necessary step towards water security."

Donald Trump (Yes, actually): "They put restrictors and they put them on in places like here where there’s so much water, you don’t know what to do with it. It’s called rain. It rains a lot in certain places. But no, their idea did you see the other day? I opened it up and they closed it again. I opened it. They closed it. Washing machines to wash your dishes. There’s a problem. They don’t want you to have any water. They want no water."


How about a little more Jesse Welles?

- Lefty
end rant

Leftaculous News for June 26, 2024

The six usual Supreme Court suspects legalize bribery.

President Joe Biden to pardon U.S. service members convicted because they were gay.

There's new evidence that convicted felon Donald Jessica Trump knew he was breaking the law by stealing classified documents.

Sixteen Nobel Prize-winning economists warn a second Trump term would be a disaster.

Farting cows in Denmark will face a carbon tax.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Debate 2024
Jake Tapper: Thank you, Mr. Biden. Mr. Trump, you now have two minutes to (sigh) fling your poo in response.

The progressive comic about the Biden/Trump debate of 2024.

debate liar  comic religion in schools  comic