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The progressive editorial cartoon about trump defying gag orders.

end rant

Jailbird Trump

I finished this 'toon and almost immediately learned that Chesebro had flipped. This means it's now more difficult for the Republican Party to install Trump back in the White House but America should treat Trump as an unexploded bomb and never let down its guard.

BTW, it's entirely possible that Trump is unintentionally testing the legal waters because he's an immature twat-waffle but it's also possible he's getting advice from those who do not hold this Republic in the highest of regard.


Okay, it's an imperfect analogy, but…

What if a group of Armenians from an Armenian apartment building killed a dozen people living in the Czech apartment building next door, and also took several of them hostage?

What if, in response, Czech authorities decided to lock down the entire Armenian apartment building, cut all access to food, power and water to over 1000 innocent residents of the building until the rogue Armenians release the captives?

Oh, and the authorities would be systematically blowing up apartments, one by one, until the rogue Armenians give up.

Does that sound like a reasonable analogy? Okay, how about…

What if little Billy Jackson, age 8, came into your yard and kicked your little sister and, in response, your Dad blew up Billy Jackson's house and everyone in it?

What I'm trying to say is, Hamas, the government, not the people they govern, are not reasonable people but systematic genocide by Israel in response to their murderous actions is not justice, solves nothing and only perpetuates violence.

Let us thank the pandemic, ironically enough, that we're now led by Joe Biden at this time than a second-term Trump.


One of the realities staring the world in the face is that Israel was able to immediately shut off food, water and electricity to the Gaza Strip. Now, how were they able to do that?

Because Israel (and Egypt) keep the people of the Gaza Strip trapped like animals, which is one of the reasons Hamas finally went off the leash.


And, finally, major props to the House Republicans who rejected Jim Jordan's Speaker grab. Now if only they'd make that second logical step and vote for Jeffries as Speaker of the House next time the vote comes around.


end rant

Lefty News for October 20th, 2023

Judge threatens to imprison Trump if he doesn't SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Kenneth Chesebro finally wakes up and decides he's not going to prison for Trump.

Jim Jordan decided people will like Jim Jordan even if no one likes Jim Jordan, and now people hate Jim Jordan even more.

Let's not forget that Sydney Powell also decided to testify against Trump rather than eventually have to fight the biggest lesbian in lock-up over the last tampon.

President Joe Biden shows Republicans what an adult President looks like.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Poozycat Project :

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
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The Candy Man did.


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Trump: I defy gag orders because I actually WANT to go to jail. Why, you may ask?
Because someday I could be President again.
And after I get myself a new Bill Barr and a new lap dog Congress I'll use my jailing as a precedent for locking my enemies away.
So, c'mon, Chutkin, Engoron! Jail me! I dare you!

The progressive editorial cartoon about Trump defying gag orders.

maga comic jim jordan comic