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The progressive editorial cartoon about dumb-ass Magas.

end rant

Republicanism Is A Hoax

I got a little behind in my cartoon-making this month so I'm going to attempt one cartoon per day this week. The rants may be a little light as a result but it's a small price to pay for "art".

<sound of knuckles cracking> See you tomorrow.


At a time when this country really needed to do something about the environment the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush, an ex-oil parasite executive, as President.

Barack Obama was subsequently elected as President in a landslide and developed "Cash for Clunkers", which improved average gas mileage in this county, all in the midst of an worldwide economic meltdown.

At a time when there was a severe housing crisis in the U.S. the Russians installed an ex-real estate man as President.

Joe Biden, since becoming President, has instituted many policies to widen housing availability, all in the wake of an economic maelstrom resulting from a worldwide pandemic.

Upshot? You want progress and solutions? Vote for a Democrat. You want chaos and stasis? Vote Republican.


end rant

Lefty News for October 23th, 2023

Legal experts think Trump is acting like a mob boss. Golly, really?

Trump got all miffed when his ex-lawyer Sydney Powell flipped on him. Ketchup went everywhere.

Kenneth Chesebro flipped on Trump, too. Good times.

President Joe Biden designated 31 technology hubs across the U.S. Go, Joe!

Debt activists bought $10 million in student debt for $125,000, then cancelled the debt. Kudos, chaps!

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Poozycat Project :

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
famous last words comic
Famous last words.


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Planet of the dopes
We need more guns to protect us from more guns!
If kids read less they'll know more!
We need less medicine to stay more healthy! (wheeze) sign-no Fauci Ouchie
We need to fix government by electing people who'll break the government.

The progressive editorial cartoon about MAGA morons

pick-up trucks comic jailbird trump comic