Mueller Report, Part Eight: Six-Week-Old Fetuses
Tomorrow: Pages 34-37, summarized by stuff found between
King Kong's toes.
For historical reference: Just about now you're probably
asking yourself "What's the deal with the fetuses,
Well, at this point in space-time several Republican-owned-and-operated
states are passing "heartbeat laws" which
would restrict a woman's ability to seek an abortion
to the first six
weeks of pregnancy. So while my choice of iconography
may seem a bit distasteful (Boy, howdy!) it is entirely
appropriate for the occasion.
A conversation that probably occurred somewhere about
Trump: "Man! I am in some deep financial shit. I could
go to jail if I don't think of something."
Putin: "Psst, tolstyy durak. You know, if I make you
president you could stay in office long enough to run
out the
Trump: "Ooh! Tell me more."
You know what was a major scandal back in the day?
The $640 apiece the Pentagon was paying for toilet
covers for its anti-submarine aircraft.
Today we're paying a for-profit prison system $775
PER DAY to warehouse immigrant children on the border.
(In case you're wondering, housing the kids in t-Rump's
D.C. hotel would cost about $450 a day. I'll betcha
that includes soap and toothbrushes.)
So that's why there are SO many children being crammed
into buildings on the border and who get lost in the
system in a way that takes months to reunite them with
their parents. They're money on the hoof for t-Rump's
private-prison cronies, who are only too happy to return
the favor with hefty campaign donations.
just basically called the Oaf of Office "retarded".
He is not retarded.
He's a lazy, lying, ignorant, hypocritical, greedy, vindictive,
arrogant, entitled, self-indulgent, racist, misogynistic,
traitorous sack of shit... but he's not retarded.
Now Dubya, that boy was retarded, but that's a WHOLLLE 'nother
See you tomorrow.