When Life Gives You Sour Lemons...
Republicans, CPAC, 2022: "We are all domestic terrorists!"
Republicans, 2025: "Touch our Teslas and it's off to Gitmo, you #$%@-ing terrorists!"
Trump just said that all student loans will now be handled by the Small business Administration... which of course means Elon Musk will be shuttering it about, oh, 15 minutes from now.
Boeing got Trump to buy their new sixth-gen fighter jet by naming it after him.... the F-47.
I've been saying that for months: Eff 47!
Honest-to-Zeus, when I heard the military was naming a plane after Trump I thought "They're naming a plane 'Asshole'?"
Don't hear too much about Thomas Matthew Crooks anymore, do we? Poor little tool of the oligarchy.