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The progressive comic about the stock market.

end rant

Selling Low Is A Buyer's High

Obvious Prediction: Stocks will rise tomorrow as those with the means will scoop up bargains. It's more or less Trump's "Leave No Billionaire Behind" plan.


You know who gets nervous and begins selling stock at the first sign of trouble? The small investor. They need their nest egg to retire on and when things look dark, they panic and sell for what they can get.

The big investor could care less if the market takes a big dive. They're rich. Really rich. They know the stock market will return stronger than ever because most stock is owned by their rich friends and they'll all eventually return to their game of outbidding other for any available stock, driving the market even higher.

So this Dow Jones roller-coaster Trump has been running lately sure looks like it's designed to put more stock in the hands of the donor class.

Prove me wrong.


America now has a one-party system of governance. However, I don’t mean the Republican Party, which controls the Presidency, House, Senate and Supreme Court.

I’m referring to the Democratic Party, which actually knows how to govern.

The Republican Party has no plan for anything. It now only exists to rape the Treasury and separate hard-working American's from their money in any way they can.

Including gaming the stock market.


Veterans who voted for Trump: Dumb fucks.
Farmers voted for Trump: Dumb fucks.
Women who voted for Trump: Dumb fucks.
Immigrants who voted for Trump: Dumb fucks.

Anyone who voted for Trump: Dumb fucks.


Rearrange "Tesla" and you get "Etsal", pronounced "edsel".

Why would I suggest this? Well, I'm primarily pointing a long, quivering-with-laughter finger at the Cybertruck which is turning out to be a ridiculously expensive, stainless steel pet rock. Sales are plummeting worldwide even on top of the fact that it cannot be sold in Europe or the UK because of its dangerously sharp corners.

The day will come, and probably soon, when it ceases production and those unwise enough to have sunk $100k+ into one will be forced to use it as an avant garde planter because spare parts will become scarcer than vaccines at the CDC.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftacular News for March 10, 2025

Trump's widdle fee-fees are getting all hurt over all this "egg price" stuff.

The stock market, including Tesla stock, takes a massive dump as Trump refuses to rule out a recession.

Elon Fucking Musk invokes the Sword of Damocles by threatening to turn off Ukraine's access to Starlink.

Trump fucked around and helped Canada elect a liberal Prime Minister. Bwahhhh-hahahahahahahha.

Britain tells Tesla his self-driving cars ain't bloody welcome.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Poozycat Project:

the infinite cat project

(Comments are moderated for misinformation, not content.)


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Mark in New Hampshire

If you think about it, the 1930's Ford V-8 was also a swastikar. I don't know how Henry Ford got redeemed but by the 1950's he was remembered as a great inventor and American hero and all the police cars I ever saw were Fords. So who knows what the kids of the 2050's will be taught about Elon Musk.


When the fucking felon is gone. Pam Dumb Blondi and Emil Bovine will form the law firm Dunn Been and Hadd. They'll move in next door to this stockbroker.

Michael Bleiweiss

Remember that right at the beginning of the war, Elon Musk suddenly cut off Ukraine's StarLink account -- just as their marine drones were about to decimate Russia's Black Sea fleet. Instead, they wandered off harmlessly. Was he deliberately helping Russia?

He claimed they hadn't paid their bill. He should be made to pay to rebuild their cities.


eddi - Not only that, but since the value of a stock depends on what the next "sucker" is willing to pay for it, it looks much more like a Ponzi scheme than Social Security ever could.

Lefty (mod)

Oh, look... the Dow bottomed out and the vultures are streaming in. Who would have thunk? Oh, yeah... EVERYBODY!

Len Koz

Maybe anyone keeping a DeLorean around as a museum piece can get some parts off Cybertrucks as they fail.


you are abso-F#$k!ng-lutely right about the Stock Market, except for one thing... You called them the "doner class" HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!


Stocks are the only form of gambling legal worldwide. And only the (brokerage) house wins.
That's an insult to Edsels. They were a decent car. Ford didn't give them any love.

Trump's widdle fee-fees are getting all hurt over all this "egg price" stuff.
Never write a check with your mouth that your ass can't cash.

The stock market, including Tesla stock, takes a massive dump as Trump refuses to rule out a recession.
finally being honest. For the motive, read Lefty's essay for today. If you must speculate go with a decent index fund. Panics don't totally ruin them.

Elon Fucking Musk invokes the Sword of Damocles by threatening to turn off Ukraine's access to Starlink.
As a bully's chief toady, this is the expected move. When he does it after the cease-fire goes into effect, the Ukrainians are allowed to send drones to his Tesla facilities.

Trump fucked around and helped Canada elect a liberal Prime Minister. Bwahhhh-hahahahahahahha.
What a relief. Justin's unpopularity was shifting things to the Right.

Britain tells Tesla his self-driving cars ain't bloody welcome.
They know a good car when they see one. Body panels held on by Elmer's Glue and flammable battery packs do not qualify.


... virtually all the data held by the government practically guarantees that it's happening now.
Abuse - Sudden firings of competent civil servants for incompetence, stopping medical trials mid-course, too many other arbitrary violent cuts to mention.
Criminal - Mass pardons of Jan 6 criminals, propensity to hire felons for important government posts.
Using DOJ to attack political enemies - Unapologetically restructuring DOJ to do exactly that.
Biden crime family - Pales in comparison to Trump crime family.
Suppressing dissent - Give me a break!
I'm tired of typing, but criticism by the Right of anything you can think of will almost immediately make you think of something they themselves are doing.


Ironic that everything Trump and the Right accused Biden and the Left of have turned out to describe Trump and the Right:
Waste - Needed food & medicine being turned away and rotting in warehouses.
Fraud - Well, that takes time to be uncovered, but anonymous hackers having unfettered access to

Classic Raging Crappola
fiscal cliff comic
The freaking fiscal cliff.


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Trump is ruining my retirement investments. Cash them out now and tell that fat orange bastard to to go fuck himself. Looks like all the small fry are cashin’ out today, so buy me as much of that shit as you can, pronto. And tell that fat orange bastard thanks. Jagoff & Chode brokerage: Either way, I get commission.

The progressive comic about the stock market.

trump  comic trump tariffs comic