Selling Low Is A Buyer's High
Obvious Prediction: Stocks will rise tomorrow as those with the means will scoop up bargains. It's more or less Trump's "Leave No Billionaire Behind" plan.
You know who gets nervous and begins selling stock at the first sign of trouble? The small investor. They need their nest egg to retire on and when things look dark, they panic and sell for what they can get.
The big investor could care less if the market takes a big dive. They're rich. Really rich. They know the stock market will return stronger than ever because most stock is owned by their rich friends and they'll all eventually return to their game of outbidding other for any available stock, driving the market even higher.
So this Dow Jones roller-coaster Trump has been running lately sure looks like it's designed to put more stock in the hands of the donor class.
Prove me wrong.
America now has a one-party system of governance. However, I don’t mean the Republican Party, which controls the Presidency, House, Senate and Supreme Court.
I’m referring to the Democratic Party, which actually knows how to govern.
The Republican Party has no plan for anything. It now only exists to rape the Treasury and separate hard-working American's from their money in any way they can.
Including gaming the stock market.
Veterans who voted for Trump: Dumb fucks.
Farmers voted for Trump: Dumb fucks.
Women who voted for Trump: Dumb fucks.
Immigrants who voted for Trump: Dumb fucks.
Anyone who voted for Trump: Dumb fucks.
Rearrange "Tesla" and you get "Etsal", pronounced "edsel".
Why would I suggest this? Well, I'm primarily pointing a long, quivering-with-laughter finger at the Cybertruck which is turning out to be a ridiculously expensive, stainless steel pet rock. Sales are plummeting worldwide even on top of the fact that it cannot be sold in Europe or the UK because of its dangerously sharp corners.
The day will come, and probably soon, when it ceases production and those unwise enough to have sunk $100k+ into one will be forced to use it as an avant garde planter because spare parts will become scarcer than vaccines at the CDC.