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The progressive comic about Trump infuriating misues of executive orders.

end rant

Exclusively Disordered!

The House GOP's "Dear Santa" letter for their prospective budget can be boiled down to the following:

1. Let children go hungry.
2. Let sick people die.
3. Shovel billions of dollars to people so rich they never wear the same pair of underpants twice.

Oh, and it'll bloat the debt by at least 20 trillion dollars over ten years.

So far it's just a wish list, a first pass at sweet delicious cruelty, but it's clear that the House GOP (Except Rep. Massie) prefers rich people's underpants over Americans living on the margins.

If this puts a burr under your saddle call your representative, 202-224-3121, and tell em Lefty says "Hi!"


There's a new book called "Discarded" (Sarah Gabbott and Jan Zalasiewicz) which considers the fossilized legacy mankind will leave behind. This quote from the review left me startled and horrified:

"All of the stuff made by humans by 1950 was a small fraction of the mass of all the living matter on Earth. But today it outweighs all plants, animals and microbes and is set to triple by 2040." “This stuff is going to last millions of years, some releasing its toxins and chemicals into the natural world" says Gabbott, raising serious questions for us all: 'Do you need that? Do you really need to buy more?"

Lefty: We are, in essence, burying the earth alive in fast fashion and Xmas presents no one asked for or wanted.


Yesterday I posted to Marketplace a piece of surplus Elfa shelving and got an almost immediate response. The lady, from a more affluent area of town than mine, said she was coming for it immediately so I kept an eye out for her while I made dinner. As the mushrooms sizzled I noticed a large white behemoth of an SUV slow to a stop in front of my house and then speed on.

I'm guessing SOMEone didn't appreciate the tenor of my yard signs.

deport elon

The "deport Elon" sign is a leftover from a recent protest. I'm privately tickled that I may have made a Republican drive across town for no reason.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftacular News for February 26, 2025

When Republicans say "Fuck women!" they mean it in a bad way.

Republican lawmakers are seeing their actions coming home to roost and they're frightened. Bawk-bawk-ba-KAWK!.

RFK: "Measles? Ain't no biggie."

Long live Jasmine Crockett!

Security firm loses its license after dragging woman out of Idaho town hall.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Poozycat Project:

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
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Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

The executive order Trump: All citizens are required to change their underwear every half-hour. Underwear must be worn on the outside so we can check. (Oops! This is actually a line from an old Woody Allen movie. Sorry for the confusion.)

The progressive comic about Trump's infurirating misuse of executive orders.

rethinking trump  comic putin and trump comic