Up Is White, Black Is Down
For the record, I didn't vote for the imbecile who's now calling himself a "king".
I voted for the nice lady who would have busied herself running the government in customary fashion while he was eventually ushered into a secure facility where King-Boy couldn't harm anyone but himself.
You have to believe that the average Trump voter (even though that may actually be a voting software hack) is raising an astonished eyebrow over Dear Leader's claim that it was Ukraine who invaded Russia, not the other way 'round.
Last time I checked Russia has nukes, lots of nukes, and as America learned from the Iraq war, "You don't invade countries who have nukes".
Get it?
Why is Trump colored that way in today's 'toon? It's because I pictured him living in his own world where everything is the reverse of reality. How else to explain him and his "Ukraine invasion" bullshit?
Technical Note: I colored Trump as I normally do and then, in Photoshop, used the Invert tool to reverse all of the colors.
The result was terrible.
Some of the colored areas were really dark and some were wayyyy over-saturated so I had to alter the colored areas one by one.
The things I do for lame concepts.
A better description of Elon's "Move fast and break things" is "Smash and grab".
It's hard times for artists these days with all of the AI art tools now available to anyone who can type in a URL and craft a coherent description of the art they require.
Even worse, I have an acquaintance who has created beautiful, highly-detailed artwork for decades but now finds herself forced to describe samples of her work on her website as "100% handmade, no AI".
Which may be just adding insult to her own injury as she's probably wasting time educating visitors to her site on her methods and experience as they'll probably just resort to AI anyway as it's almost cost-free.
This is not a new experience for me as I've been employed at least three times by companies whose business model became almost 100% defunct in this country.
The first was as an assistant manager at a drive-in theatre. It was a fun era while it lasted.
The second was as a machinist in the employ of a company which manufactured butterfly valves for the oil industry. Those things are almost all made overseas now.
The third was as the on-staff artist for a record store. I'm talking a national chain of warehouse-sized record stores, not these mom-and-pop outfits dotting our cities. Lord, bless 'em.
I think I might as well add Flash animation and commercial illustration to complete that list, too, so that makes an even five enterprises that have flamed-out under my tender tucchus.
But none of that equals the Grand Kahuna of business and/or government destruction. I mean, I never personally responsible for killing anything I touched but we all know who has, and is in the process of doing so right now.