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The progressive comic about oil companies running this world into the ground

end rant

Crude Jokes

Oh, darn. I missed the inauguration. The pomp, the splendor, the inability of Trump to find the Bible with his left hand. Which is itself, I think, adequate proof that the fat fuck made a pact with Satan for this second go-round, making all such holy works verboten.

The best remark I heard today was that the reason Trump's supporters were so pissed about the ceremony being held in the Rotunda was that they already knew the way.


That was from Keith Olbermann.

Keith also made the observation that DC hotel rooms this weekend had a 30% occupancy rate, way down from 2017's 30% rate. This sounds odd because Trump's second inauguration was going to be the one, MAGA hopes, where Hunter Biden was going to be hung by his testicles and Nancy Pelosi was going to be burned at the stake with a gavel in her mouth.

Instead, it lends credence that the last thing Trump wanted was an outdoor event. Shrinkage is already a problem for him and a crowd even smaller than his 2017 one would have ben impossible to mask.


As you probably know I have little regard for electronic voting since the information is ferried to the main abacuses via internet connections. And nothing on an internet connection is ever 100% secure. Nothing!

So my ears really perked up today when I heard about voting analysis of something called "voter drop-off", as presented by the Smart Elections substack.

These folks took the state voting results and compared the presidential candidate's vote totals to the state's AG totals in each county.

Are you ready?

In North Carolina the Democratic AG garnered more votes than Ms. Harris in all 28 North Carolina counties. All of them! Trump, on the other hand, consistently totaled more votes than the Republican AG candidate in all 28 counties.

The word you're think is "What the fuck?"

Worse, the same pattern occurred in all six swing states.

This analysis unveils an unlikely event wherein Democratic voters went to the polls and voted for the Democratic AG but not for Kamala Harris. In no logical, fair or just world could this happen.

And that's why Trump was eager to have his inauguration indoors and why DC hotels have a 30% vacancy rate.

PS, at Trump's rally last night he claimed Musk rigged the vote in Pennsylvania, twice. Sure, why not? It's not like anything can be done about it now.



Mine are usually in full color, often they're musicals accompanied by full orchestration. Sometimes they solve problems that have left me perplexed in waking life but mostly they're clearly the process of my brain entertaining itself while it thinks I'm not looking. I rarely EVER have nightmares. But last night...

It was a dark, colorless world. I was protecting my younger brothers as we sheltered in a vast field of derelict cars. There was no food. Slowly advancing on us were dark forms with sharp teeth and they were coming to eat us alive.

The dream was so real, so primal that I awoke shaking uncontrollably. The house was warm and the electric blanket was on but it took a long time to return to sleep, giving me ample time to contemplate what it all meant.

Welcome to my nightmare, folks, better known as Inaugural Day.


Note From the Management: In the past I was always a real bear about posting new cartoons
at midnight Sun-Tues-Thursdays. Sometimes it meant a sub-par 'toon, at least by my standards, but a schedule was a schedule was a schedule, dammit!

These days the ideas come a bit less adroitly and the artwork is created at a more leisurely pace, but it comes. I know many of you open your browsers early in the morning, hoping to touch all the high points, including Raging Pencils, before being seduced by other, more serious vocations or avocations. But bear with me. I'll always do my best, even in these dark times, to offer something pleasantly diverting.


- Lefty

end rant

Leftalicious News for January 20, 2025

Convicted felon sworn is an president.

President Joe Biden gives Trump the finger going out the door, giving pardons to Trump's intended legal victims.

Congresswoman suggests Trump and Musk rigged the election results in Pennsylvain.

Musk was handing out Nazi salutes like congressional bribes at Trump's inauguration.

"I don't celebrate rapists." - AOC

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Poozycat Project:

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
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The land-sea battle.


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Alien: Take me to your leader. Lefty: Oh, we don’t have leaders anymore. What? No leaders? Sadly, no. Life and death on this planet is determined by a small group of humans who control the flow of vast, ancient reservoirs of liquid poison. They force us to use it to power our society even though eveyone knows it is destroying our ecosystem. Hmmm, well, then I guess we’ll have to vaporize your planet. It would probably be for the best.

The progressive comic about the oil industry destroying our world

pardon power comic inuguration comic