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The progressive comic about why trump's weird voters  love him.

end rant

The Cannibal Constituency

What’s with the Republican campaign strategy of pissing off every woman voter in America?

Let's see if I can nut-shell the Republican Party's current wet dream for American women:

Child marriage is legal and the lucky brides cannot get a divorce under any circumstance, they can't have abortions or use birth control, and when they reach menopause their whole function is to baby sit their grandchildren.

Not making this up.

In essence:

Impregnate 'em when they're young, keep 'em pregnant, and when they can no longer bear young put them to work as unpaid child care, no matter how many advanced degrees they may have attained in their fertile years.
Alternatively: Kamala/Walz 2024.


Trump is going back on the rally trail where he'll be enclosed in a bullet-proof box presumably to keep from being shot by Republicans.


Finally, according to Carl Sagan, in his book "The Dragon's of Eden", the male mantis is normally sexually repressed but will go all sausage party on the female mantis if she deftly snaps his noggin off.

Don't try this at home, kids. Stick to auto erotic asphyxiation.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftlaculous News for August 16, 2024

Kamala Harris announces economic plans designed to help middle America.

Trump throws America's military heroes under the bus in favor of big donors.

JD Vance is even less popular than... Sarah Palin was? Impressive.

Trump is losing the male vote... dun-dun-dunnnnnn!

Trump weirdly says that he's not weird. It's all the other people that are weird. That's not weird at all.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
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Crucifixion is the new killer app.


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

True Science Fact
The female mantis eats the male's head because it increases his desire to mate.
Headless MAGA : I (heart) Trump!
Trump: I love the uneducated.
Vance: me, too!

The progressive comic about the reason trump's weird voters like him

trump's hot gas comic putin's puppet comic