haven't made a photo-toon in a lonnnnnng
time but I was goofing around with this "puppet" idea
this morning and said to myself (Which is an excellent way
to talk
to yourself, BTW) "Sure! Why not?"
Yeah, I could have easily recreated this scene in ink and
digital paint but, frankly, Vlad is no fun to draw. He's
got this indistinct little weasel
which is why most cartoonist's draw him shirtless as a sort
of visual shorthand.
There was seemingly endless public discourse this week over
the peculiar noises spewing from the mouth of one Donald
Jessica Trump during his chat with Elon Musk (I.E. "The Elon
and the Felon").
To many listeners it sounded for all the world like his dentures
were flopping around in his jaws like a dead cat in
a washing machine. But, regardless of the man's many financial
problems, he still
has a hoard or two of Saudi kruggerands
one or more
of his mattresses, enough to afford a
better dentist than most of us will ever see. (Though, knowing
Trump, said DDS is probably in court as I write this still
in order to get paid.)
So, no, it wasn't his denture s... it was his brain, or that
bolus of guacamole in his skull that no one over three years
old would mistake for a neocortex. It's pretty clear to
anyone who listened to the conversation that he's de-devolving
into Primordial Ooze-boy.
Keith Olbermann, possibly the last human on Earth to ever
leap (well, lean) to Trump's
defense, explained that there probably was a technical
reason for the Orange One's shtrangely shibilant shounds,
one that Keith has even experienced himself in past years.
So I'll let the Oaf of Office off the hook this time and
hope the Venezuelan communication system will favor him
in future years.
Saturday night I heard the news that the Iranians had hacked
Trump's servers and stolen his oppo dossier on JD Vance.
My first reaction was "Trump leaked them on purpose and blamed
the Iranians. That way the Democrats, who have the very same
oppo on Vance, can't use the info else Trump will accuse
them of "Working with America's enemies!"
This is also why the various media outlets who were sent
the dossier won't report of it because it would let the
Democrats use the information to hoist Vance on his many
Yes, the media is covering Trump's ass. No surprise.
Trump is peeved that Kamala's crowd sizes are so huge,
so tonight he's having a "last-minute rally" in
a 2400-seat auditorium in deep-purple North Carolina.
2400 seats. I guess he figures THAT'll show "Kamabla".
PS, the city made him pay in advance. BWAH-hahahahahahahahahaha!
PPS, next door to the auditorium is a 12,000 seat arena.
I'll bet Kamala could schedule a last-minute rally herself.
I kinda hate to put this out there in the ether but we should
forearm ourselves against the following possibility:
Shortly before Election Day an AI-engineered sex video
of Kamala Harris (something like eating an arugula salad
wearing a tan bikini) is going to emerge from somewhere
deep in the
'net. Even though
a fake
will be endlessly
by "experts" on Fox News. Democrats will do their
best to shut it down but that will only lead to conspiracy
about Kamala's hitherto unknown fascist tendencies.