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The progressive comic about school vouchers.

end rant

Gold and Rules

Let's just say I'm not keen on the idea of crony capitalism being applied to education. The only thing worse than private schools, to me, is home schooling, which is the educational equivalent of incest.


One reason why there are so many (too many) voices suggesting that President Joe Biden step down is because (Are you ready?) the Democratic Party is blessed with SO MANY suitable alternatives waiting in the wings. There's Kamala, Whitmer, Newsome, Whitehouse, Raskin... Hell, I'd happily take Hillary again because Democrats spent the past seven years telling ourselves "She was right."

Now let's consider all the "Republicans"who could fit the MAGAlicious mold of someone as racist and pandering and hateful and contemptuous as Trump:

<long blast of cosmic radiation background hiss>

The media understands this. That's why they don't attack Trump as often as they should because there's no use taking shots at him. He's not going anywhere no matter how many videos they have of him raping a troop of Girl Scouts or recycling a plastic Coke bottle.


Okay, that being said, what if Trump bows out? Something he might have been planning it all along. It's clear that his debate win didn't catapult him into "can't lose" territory and he's spent the last ten days not pushing his debate advantage.

So let's say Trump feigns an illness and in like the cavalry rides a much younger though no less evanglical-friendly replacement.... Nikki Haley.

Suddenly the age issue becomes a BIG problem for the Democrats and, with Haley, the GOP is mostly free of Trump's criminal stench. There's no doubt if Haley wins the election, and weirder things have happened (Like Trump winning in 2016) she would pardon his Orangeness for anything he did in the past or might do in the future. This faustian bargain would of course include following Steve Bannon's malicious instructions to the letter.

You think Dick Cheney's puppeting of Dubya was bad? Uhh boy.

This could happen. Haley actually polled well against Mr. Biden during the primary season. I really hope this scenario doesn't play out as I'm confident that Mr. Biden will prevail against Shark-Boy but if I'm not worrying about these back-stabbing Republican bastards at every turn then I'm not doing my job.

Footnote: After I wrote this I went looking for political news items to post and learned that Kristi Nome has deleted all of her social media accounts... exactly what one might do if one was going to avoid political controversy when she steps into Trump's shoes.



"Mein Kampf", published in 1925.

"Project 2025", exactly 100 years later.

This is not a coincidence.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftopic News for July 8, 2024

The New York Post puts on the white hood. And its target is Kamala Harris.

Trump's Russian pals attack a children's hospital, killing 37.

Reproductive rights advocates put abortion on the ballot in Arkansas.

Senate Democrats advance bill to reverse ruinous "immunity" decision by the Supreme Court.

Joe ain't gong nowhere!

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
maga comic
His master's vice.


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

GOP building: We'll defund the schools and send families a $5000 voucher for private school.
Dem: What's the point!?
Rural mobile home: We just got a $5000 voucher for private schools that cost $10,000. We can't afford that? What's the point?
Mansion: We just got a $5000 voucher for our son's private school.
We don't need this? What's the point?
Private school: Hey, we could raise tuitions by $5000. Hey, good point!

The progressive comic about school vouchers

project 2025 media court comic bad mainstream media court comic