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The progressive comic about how America's news sucks.

end rant

Good News/Screwed News

Now that Biden has had his interview with ABC maybe it's time that Trump...

What's that? They asked Trump for a similar interview and he said "No way."

Oh. Well, I'm sure he has a good reason.


Back on the subject of presidential debates… Trump is on for the next one IF, as Trump is demanding, there's no moderator. Like it would be just Trump and Biden sitting across from each other and having a nice quiet conversation.


Can you imagine what an unimaginable shaboob of sonic shit that would emanate from that orange oaf's pie hole if no one is there to put a muzzle on it?

Trump "won" the first debate because Biden was off his feed. Another debate like it would most likely not end in Trump's favor so this demand for a new format stinks of desperation.


Trump says he knows nothing about Project 2025 except the parts he doesn't like. Really?

Quite the convincing argument. (Bwah-ha-haa!)

Project 2025, which is basically "Sadism For Dummies" was written by people who worked for Trump in the White House.)


Trump's next trial is Voting Day and you're a juror. Will you vote guilty or innocent?

- Lefty

end rant

Leftopic News for July 6, 2024

Trump says he knows nothing about Project 3025. No, seriously! He knows nothing. So much nothing. The most nothing you ever saw.

President Joe Biden gives first interview since the debate. World does not end.

Press hung up on Mr. Biden's mental state because they got nothing else to scandalize.

Judge Aileen Canon continues to be the briar patch to Donald Trump's Brer Rabbit.

Find yourself wishing that the six conservative reptiles on the Supreme Court had never been born? Blame Ronald Reagan.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
nationalism comic
Taking in the trash.


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

What we expect from the news:
woman newsreader: Tonight, a sober look at an aging, stuttering president and his opponent, an aging lying, rapist felon.
What we're getting: "On in 5...4…3…2…"
male newsreader whispering: You know, if I continue to hammer this age thing about Biden enough he might be forced to resign and I could be famous!"

The progressive comic about how our news sucks.

school vouchers court comic new supreme court comic