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The progressive comic about Project 2025

end rant

Knockin' On the Scary Door

You know that episode of Twilight Zone where a young boy, played by Billy Mumy, has psychic powers that lets him read minds? The one where if he doesn't like what someone is thinking he
transforms them into a hideous abomination and then whisks them off to be buried, presumably alive, in the cornfield? (An episode ironically titled " The Good Life", which has a disturbing drift of "Make America Great Again" to it.)

Yeah, that's pretty much what Project 2025 will do to America if convicted felon and rapist Donald Trump steals another election. Trump IS that kid and Project 2025 will give him that power.

Rather than endure a point-by-point analysis from a third-rate political cartoonist I invite you to enjoy John Oliver's much more entertaining examination of the horrors of a President Cornfield:

The alternative to such madness is, of course, an older gentleman who metaphorically knows where all the bodies are buried in Washington, but in a good way. I'd vote for him if I were you.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftalicious News for June 20, 2024

Louisiana Republicans force schools to display codes of conduct Bronze age people attributed to a god that murdered millions of people, which he created, because he thought THEY were evil. Okay, sure, whatever.

Republican candidate celebrates Juneteeth by telling Black people to kindly hit the road, make tracks, beat it, scram, get out of his disgusting racist face.

Fox News, the propaganda wing of the Cornfield Party, swings into high gear.

RIP Donald Sutherland. Best tank commander ever.

RIP Willie Mays. Ain't too many ball-players ever had a song written about them.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Lefty: Donald Trump, Roger Stone, and Project 2025 walk into the Oval Office.
Nice Lady wearing a purple beret: And?
That's it.
That's no joke.
Yeah, I know.

The progressive comic about Project 2025.

louisiana commandments comic judge cannon  comic