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The progressive comic about Judge Cannon

end rant

Baby Ker-BOOM!

The best way to differentiate between Judge Aileen Cannon and Judge Juan Merchan is, well,  consider them both baby-sitters for a three-year-old.

Judge Merchan would run a tight ship, threatening to put the child in time-out every time it started screaming or fussing. It would, if it behaves itself, get regular treats, TV and always a bedtime story because Merchan is fair, if tough.

Judge Cannon would stand to one side and gleefully let the child "discover itself", adoring the little bastard as it disassembles the cat with a grapefruit spoon and sets the divan on fire. She's terrible at her job because she has no practical experience. She also has no fear of being fired or replaced by the parents as she's the only sitter available.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftacular News for June 18, 2024

Convicted felon Donald J. Trump presidential campaign centers almost entirely on violence against Americans.

Author of new book about convicted felon Donald Trump: "Dude's cheeze done fell off his cracker".

Convicted felon Donald Trump pretended he isn't racist at a Black church in Detroit.

Judge Aileen Cannon bangs her gavel with one hand and jerks convicted felon Donald Trump off with the other.

President Joe Biden takes executive action to protect spouses of American citizens from the threat of deportation.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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