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The progressive comic about squatters, abortion, and homelessness

end rant

Bump's Rush

Bump stocks.

No one needs a bump stock. A semi-automatic rifle is not a symbol of freedom. It's a machine designed to kill large numbers of people really fast. People like schoolchildren, church goes, movie attendees, concert goers, even you.

A gun is not a symbol of freedom. It's the exact opposite.

Furthermore, the 6-3 SCOTUS decision to remove restrictions from bump stocks was pointless as they remain illegal in more than a dozen states and can be further controlled by any State legislature that hasn't been bought and sold by the Russian-funded NRA.

The case, or so the Smart Guys me, is honestly about the Koch Foundation inserting the thin edge of corporate control into Federal regulation of things like air and water, our food, and medical practices. If they can prove the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives can't make laws that have to be reversed for... reason, then who's to say ANY federal regulatory is capable enough to tell industry what's best for America. Like cigarettes and leaded fuel


Then there's the mifepristone ruling which, at first, seems to protect access to the drug but, according to the Smart Guys again, the lawsuit's only purpose was to pave a legal super-highway for future Conservative-friendly whack-job, anti-democratic ideologies to be delivered at high-speed directly up SCOTUS' driveway and subsequently down our throats.


Dear Judge Sotomayor;

Thank you for your service to this country as a stolid protector our our Constitution, but...

Please resign as soon as possible and allow President Biden to replace you with a Democracy-friendly person so that you don't die in the saddle during a possible Trump
administration and fuck us all over even more.

Thank you!


- Lefty

end rant

Leftacular News for June 14, 2024

Judge approves liquidation of Alex Jones' personal assets for being a vile little shit-weasel.

The Pentagon ran a secret anti-vax campaign, during convicted felon Donald Trumps administration, in order to demonize Chinese vaccines.

Republican CEOs are beginning to realize that convicted felon Donald Trump's brain is melting.

Convicted felon Trump will lose Wisconsin, again, because he's a racist pinhead.

There's a new and revealing movie about convicted felon Donald Trump, just in time for the elections, but American voters may not ever get to see it because Trump's  wealthy supporters own the media.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
homelessness comic
The Southern Strategy Tragedy.


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Woman: Hello, police! A homeless person crawled into my uterus while I wasn't looking!
It was empty. You weren't using it.
This is rape!
I'm not a rapist! I'm a squatter!
Police: Ma'am, this is Texas. If it's in your uterus it's a baby, and there's no abortion in this state. Have a nice day.
What he said. I'm a baby. Goo-goo. Gah-gah.
Surprise! It was just a pillow and a walkie-talkie!
This one-act play brought to you by Concerned Citizens Raising Awareness of Access to Abortion, Squatter's Rights and Private Equity Monopolization of Single-Family Rental Properties.

The progressive comic about squatters, abortion, and private equity monopolization of single-family rental properties.

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