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The progressive comic about what an immigrant really is

end rant

Crossing the Line

Sorry. No giant felon butts in your face today.


There isn't an immigrant problem. There's a dotted-line problem that lets government officials of malicious intent drum up votes for themselves by deciding who is standing on the wrong side of said line and demonizing these people who just want to feed their families.


Here's how to drive the economy, reduce homelessness, provide better health care access and increase the population...

Return to the corporate tax rules of the 1950s. Where income over $400,000 is taxed at 90% and CEO salaries were limited to a certain amount.

Currently, we have billionaire dragons sleeping on their hoards of bread while the middle and lower class starves.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftacular News for June 12, 2024

Convicted felon Donald J. Trump is armed and stupid.

Ex-Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, calls convicted felon Donald J. Trump "Unfit for office".

Senate Democrats launch probe of son-in-law and Senior Advisor of convicted felon Donald J. Trump's $2 billion in Saudi Arabian tip money for a job well done of fucking over his country.

Ordinary citizen hounded for years by Republican Party operatives found guilty of gun charges.

While waiting to be sentenced convicted felon Donald J. Trump's is keeping busy selling off the country to the highest bidders.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

MAGA: Immigrants go home!
Lefty: But you're an immigrant.
Hey! My people have been in North America for over 300 years!
They were totally immigrants.
Ah! But what about Native Americans?
They immigrated here 30,000 years ago.
So who's not an immigrant?
Google "Olduvai Gorge".

The progressive comic about what an immigrant really is.

abortion  comic felon Trump  comic