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The progressive comic about how MAGA works.

end rant

Trumped Again

Today's comic was inspired by an Robert Crumb cartoon from the late 60s, the wonderful "Stoned Again".

r. crumb stoned again

In case you're wondering I did not perfectly ape Crumb's style, and the beautiful melty-ness of the art, on purpose. You don't fuck with perfection.

You might find it interesting to learn that the original B&W art was sold at auction in 2019 for $690,000. As usual the artist, Crumb, didn't get a penny of this (as far as I know) as he'd traded the original art back in 1969 to a fan for some rare blues records. Crumb is famous for his love of blues music from the era of 78 RPM records and, at the time, was cranking out reams of underground art so he obviously thought it a fair deal.

Who knew, right?

Anyhoo, I think my version of the comic image crystallizes the Dijon Deity's supporters need for occasional jump-starts of their inner outrage, ignited by whatever new bright and shiny object the Pumpkin Poobah decides to wave in front of their cold, dead eyes on any particular day.


The New York election which just ousted George Santos, and it didn't happen soon enough, was enough of a blowout to indicate voters may have finally had their suspicions raised enough to maybe, just maybe, understand that the Republican Party isn't up to the task of governance and may, in fact, be populated by stupid, greedy hillbillies. And they'd be right.

And maybe, just maybe, we'll see these suspicions rise even higher as we approach Election Day.

- Lefty

end rant

Lefty News for February 14, 2024

Democrats flip George Santos seat, big time!

House Republicans crawl from crib, impeach Alejandro Mayorkas, shit themselves, and go back to bed.

GOP maggot Ron Johnson publicly supports Hitler's invasion of the Sudetenland, uh, I mean, Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

The Corruptocrats had several back-up plans to make Trump a king after he lost the election by a mile.

IRS will collect $560 billion more from rich tax cheats thanks to President Joe Biden's Inflation Reduction Act.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Poozycat Project :

the infinite cat project

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