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The progressive comic about the stupids of America

end rant

Attack of the Smoove Braims

I first presented the above cartoon to an unsuspecting public on November 17, 2014. Yup, almost exactly ten years ago. It's a personal fave. Be sure and check the rollover.


Lefty: “Trump doesn’t care about the Palestinians. At all!”

Tik-Tokkers: “Doesn’t matter. Biden didn’t stop the killing quick enough so we voted for Trump.”

Lefty: “Did you hear that Trump just made Mike Huckabee the ambassador to Israel?”

Tik-Tokkers: “Mike who? Let’s check his Wiki and find out……. ohhhhhhh….. shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!”

Lefty: “Cheers, dipshits!”


I hope you're all aware of Keith Olbermann's podcast. It's politically astute, amusing and, for me, comforting to know someone this smart is on our side.

Last night Keith pontificated on why Kamala lost the election and it goes far beyond the "no one would vote for a woman president" reasoning.

If you like Keith's slant on the news, and you should, go Like and Subscribe, dammit.


The illegal alien round-up that appears to be in the offing is just another huge grift by the Trumpies. They're going to grab 50,000 innocent people at a time, throw them into a hastily-built camp and then charge the American people $750 a head.... per day. The same scam they ran the first time Trump was in office.

Remember all those kids in cages way back when? Yup, $750 fat ones per day to those running the camps.

Convince me I'm wrong.

- Lefty

end rant

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Poozycat Project:

the infinite cat project

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Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

little chack in the middle of nowhere. Sign at the top says "Fear and Ignorance" and "Free Gun with every purchase".

The progressive comic about the ignorant state of Ameircans.

gop fuckery comic gop fuckery comic