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The progressive comic about Trump and rising ocean levels

end rant


I should point out that the statement about rising ocean levels used in this comic is an actual (paraphrased) talking point used by Trump at his rallies. It always receives a distressingly positive reaction from the assorted ninnies in attendance.


House Republicans, who currently control the government purse-strings, say they will not consider voting for additional, badly needed disaster funds until after the election.

Okay, but what happens in November if the GOP loses both the House and the Presidency? Does anyone seriously think the lame-duck GOP will come rushing back to Washington ready to write checks that make Kamala Harris look good?

The GOP saying "We'll get to it later" isn't just sloth. It's a big "Screw you!" to Americans who really need help right now, and they know it.


Trump would have us believe that immigrants are causing all of this country's problems. He says they're taking our jobs, they're taking our homes, they're stealing our welfare and Social Security.

Do you know where immigrants definitely were not found?

The U.S. Capitol on January 6th.

The only people who are going to jail for listening to Trump that day are Americans.

Foolish, self-deluded Americans who believed Trump's lies about immigrants.

Funny, that.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftacular News for October 11, 2024

Video shows Trump and his pal's plans for a coup in November.

Jack Smith's evidence against Trump to be unsealed.

Trump calls the wind "bullshit". (I guess when you're a asshole everything looks like shit.)

Former CIA Chief, who should know these things, says Trump is Putin's bitch.

Trump says he knows nothing about Project 2025 but he's going to put its author in his cabinet.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
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Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Trump to MAGA couple: So what if the ocean levels rise? Enjoy your new beach-front property.
People of submerged house: "For now".

The progressive comic about Trump and rising ocean levels

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