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The progressive comic about Trump's refusal to admit he lost the 2020 election

end rant

God Bless, Vespucciland!

Trump ended a town hall in Pennsylvania last night quietly standing and swaying to music for about 40 minutes.

This is not normal.

It's so obviously abnormal I wouldn't be surprised if the Trump camp uses this as an excuse to have him step down, for mental health reasons, replaced by a Vance and Haley/Noem (for the optics) ticket. Vance's unfavorables work against him among the general population but to Republicans he's "Young Trump", for all the wrong reasons. And they're fine with that.

With Trump gone so go the Never-Trumpers and all of the dirty, fetid bathwater he's been splashing around in for the past 40 years, especially the "Who won the 2020 election?" questions. The Undecided's ears will perk up because now they have more to compare than old White guy/young Black woman. With Vance the corporate media will also have a new toy to play with and new, absurd comparisons between candidates to draw for the next 21 days.

Advertising account executives will be pleased.

Speculation had it that even IF Trump/Vance won the election the newly-installed cabinet would quickly apply 25th Amendment leverage and install Vance as the new dictator. Vance would then pardon Trump for all of his crimes before turning to his main task of gutting this Republic. Trump would go back to raping 13-years-old girls.

Vance as the presidential candidate would raise my current anxiety levels even more because I've seen the depths the voting population of this country will sink to when offered novelty and uncertainty.

This sounds odd coming from me but I hope Trump remains in the running as I would sleep MUCH better at night.

Addendum: Keep in mind the Kamala/Fox News interview was an atomic gut-punch to the Trump camp. This perceived, by me, mental-health melodrama may just be their best and only antidote.


I've been reading several books about America's native population lately and have gained a much higher appreciation of them and the lives they led. Hollywood, as usual, has done these people a huge disservice by depicting them mostly as blood-thirsty savages.

It's almost like the plots of those movies were written by Putin Trump himself.

As a born-and-bred Texan it supervised me to learn that the state I live in would have never existed if not for the Comanche. In a nutshell, they were pretty much your average tribal peoples until they got their hands on Spanish horses, at which point they mounted up and dominated their territory, which was most of Texas right up to Kansas.

This included the Mexican settlers who were attempting to claim the southwest territories as their own, but the Comanche proved to be such a nuisance, and let's just say they were none to subtle about it, that the Mexican government gave up and offered free Texas land to any American pioneers who wished to travel west and provide a buffer population.

The Comanche were no nicer to these new settlers to the extent that the U.S. eventually sent armed troops in to protect the innocent. Shortly thereafter a plan to kill all the buffalo, on which the Comanche relied, was enacted and thus the Comanche were essentially starved into submission.

In the meantime all those new settlers decided Texas was a pretty snazzy place to call home and, after a few skirmishes with the Mexican army, claimed it as their own.

So, thanks, Comanche people, for all your help. Sorry about the buffalo but business is business.

Happy Indigenous People's Day, everybody.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftacular News for October 14, 2024

Kamala Harris to have interview on Fox News. All part of "Operation Emasculate Trump'.

Nazi flags unfurl at Donald Trump boat parade.

JD Vance is a rich dude but his mom is covered by Obamacare. Just sayin'.

Liz Cheney has doubts that Mike Johnson will certify the 2024 election.

Trump goes full Nazi, threatening to use the U.S. military on anyone he so chooses

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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The progressive comic about Trump's refusal to admit he lost the 2020 election

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