Little Indians
The punditocracy offered a lot of good reasons why Ron DeSantis
chose this precise moment to end his campaign for president.
For now, anyway. Money woes, lack of enthusiasm, a height
and charisma deficit, take your pick. But I think he
dropped out because he did TOO well in Iowa.
Hear me out.
Both Haley and DeSantis got 25% of the Iowa vote compared
to the Tangerine Tycoon's 50%. This made the Goldenrod Clod
look weak. Which he is. Especially since he can't tell Nikki
these days.
So what better way for the Dijon Dope to appear strong again
than by having political party goons lean on Ron
to hit the exits and thus serving up for himself larger
slices of the electorate pie in subsequent primaries. Since
DeSantis is a gutless, mealy-mouthed bully that evidently
wasn't hard to do.
This leaves Haley as the only
real competitor for the presidency at the moment but after
she loses, badly,
she'll either leave gracefully or limp along towards the
finish line hoping that the Apricot Conman either gets convicted
of something, anything, or he completely loses his marbles
and eats a baby on Main Street, mistaking it for Big Mac.
BTW, does anyone remember that Nikki
gave up her UN ambassadorship a mere 17 months after getting
the nod from the Saffron Simpleton? It came a complete surprise
to everyone at the time but political commentators suspected
it was because her "voice of moderation" was out of step
with the administrations policies.
Funny, when you consider
that voice of moderation supported the withdrawal form the
Iran nuclear deal, the withdrawal from the United Nations
and the withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement.
Actually, the reason was probably that she needed money (a
million-dollar mortgage will do that) and her stint as the
Pumpkin Pooh-bah's
ex-employee gave
of bone
fides to start
a conservative political advocacy group that banked
$71 million, and was later given a $300,000 seat on the
Boeing board of
directors. Yes, that Boeing, taking up the same anti-union
truncheon she wielded as governor of SC.
There's no sweeping summation of all this. I just thought
I'd share.
Technical note: I was not happy with the original iteration
of this comic so I altered the words in the last two panels in
a way that now pleases me and is more to the point. If you
wish to see the original, click