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The progressive editorial cartoon about Trump's crimes.

end rant

Art for Fart's Sake

Let's consider Trump on the witness stand:

Trump is a person (I won't say "man" because, well, you know.) who can't tell the truth required to take center stage in a situation where he's required to tell the truth in front of people who already know all the facts.

So, yeah, Jesus will return flying a spaceship stocked with fudgesicles before Trump is allowed on the witness stand by his lawyers.

I'm as 100% certain as a person can be that, in whatever warped and rusty hamster-wheel that functions as his brain, Trump believes that the twelve people on the jury will completely ignore the mountains of incriminating evidence and find him innocent because, well, he's just the coolest guy EVAH.


You know that recent CNN poll which purportedly said that President Joe Biden and Dumpster Fire McGurk are running neck-and-neck? It has a 6-point margin of error for Democratic-leaning voters. Using this method a 36-year-old Democrat and a 24-year-old Republican could be considered the same age.


Hey! I got a piece of hate mail yesterday as a result of my last 'toon. It's been a long time since the last one. He or she totally missed the point of the jape and resorted to the usual assortment of cliche' abuse.

It was glorious because it means I made someone think. Too bad there was nothing to think with.

I know that the Comment Box says that I moderate for misinformation, not content, but this was pretty amateur stuff that didn't EVEN begin to cause self-reflection. I'll accept, even post, abuse if a salient point can be made.

Though this is NOT a dare for future trolls. Capiche'?


end rant

Lefty News for September 8th, 2023

Trump overstated his net worth by up to $3.6 billion each year.

This is why religion, and Trump's damned Supreme Court judges, can kiss my shiny, pink, progressive, superbly-defined buttocks.

Trump suffered five major legal setbacks in one day.

Democrats now have a majority of regulators at the FCC.

The IRS is going after 1600 millionaires to get unpaid taxes.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Poozycat Project :

the infinite cat project

(Comments are moderated for misinformation, not content.)
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Classic Raging Crappola
lock her up comic
Shutup shutup shutup!


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

When you combine his sex, tax and federal crimes Trump is the grand unification theory of corruption. Trump's crimes are essentially fractal. The closer you look at them the more criming you see. You could probably break a Trump crime into its molecular levels, then into its atomic levels, until you reach particle levels of crime.
MAGA: Who cares? Lock her up!
Lefty: Thank you for ignoring my ted talk.

The progressive editorial cartoon about Trump's crimes.

president gore comic religious beliefs  comic