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The progressive editorial cartoon about the GOP and climate change.

The Change We Don't Want

I often go to estate sales on the weekends and occasionally there will be an object on the premises, unpriced, that attracts my attention. And I'll go "Ooh! How much for that wonderful, fabulous, beautiful, splendiferous thing?"

Nine out of ten times they'll make me an offer but occasionally I'll get a "Oh, it's not for sale."

That's when I reply, "Dude! This is America. Everything's for sale. It just depends on the price you'll accept."

And that's why the ocean's are hot enough to brew tea and hurricanes are flooding the Southern California deserts and infernos are gutting entire cities in Hawaii.

It's because, in case the rock you've been under all your life was covered by a mountain range or two, oil companies are the most profitable business in the known universe and there is no one they cannot induce to cut off their off own noses or sell their grandmothers into chattel slavery simply by waving the equivalent of a rounding error of their vast fortunes under the noses of men, and women, who were relatively wealthy even before they were elected to seats of authority in our government.

Campaign reform.

We have to have campaign reform to get the money out of politics. From here on the two questions a candidate for office has to agree to before they can be considered electable is "Do you believe in climate change?" and "Will you support campaign reform?"

Nothing less.


Speaking of estate sales, the image below was a shirt I saw listed online at a nearby recent sale. The shirt hails from the late 60s or early 70s, part of an ad blitz by the Fina gasoline company ("Fina with Pflash!"). Irony aside, I immediately lusted after it but, sadly, it was purchased by someone equally lustful and more of an early riser than I. Sigh.

fina with pflash shirt


end rant

Lefty News for August 30th, 2023

Rudy Giuliani, America's Alcoholic, loses defamation case against two poll workers.

Mitch McConnell does his pillar of salt impression for the Chamber of Commerce.

Republicans are planning to shut down the government again because sure, why not?

The EPA removes federal protection for America's wetlands because the six Conservatives on the Supreme Court hate this country.

President Joe Biden forgives $72 million in student debt.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Poozycat Project :

the infinite cat project

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Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

GOP elephant sitting on wheelbarrow labeled Big Oil bribes, campaign donations. Don't worry. We're on top of the data. And the data says climate change is a hoax.

The progressive editorial cartoon about the GOP and climate change.

gop puppets  comic he gets us  comic