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The progressive editorial cartoon about the he gets us crappola.

More Sacrifices. No, the Other Kind.

Jesus. He gets us...

... to kill the heretic.
... to choose a fantasy afterlife over reality.
... to normalize con-men.
... to forget the really creepy parts of the Bible.
... to wage holy wars.
... to go heavily into debt every December.
... to cut off the tips of our weiners.


When I go on long bike rides in the late evenings I often like to listen to the broadcast of major league baseball. It's an enjoyable slice of Americana that is too often marred by clumsy propaganda attacks known as "commercials", the worst of which have to be the "He Gets Us" crappola. The local team, The Texas Rangers, go so far as to have that phrase displayed prominently on the pitcher's mound during the TV broadcast.

"He Gets Us is the official provider of destructive self-delusion for the Texas Rangers!"

Every time my ears are abused by this ad, which is at least twice a game, I think of the version you see at the top of this page. My version would get more people reconsidering their theological avocations but I don't have a spare $100 million dollars handy, like Hobby Lobby and its conservative ilk, to force it down the throats of millions of impressionable youths.


Today's satirical offering was late as I woke up Monday morning ready and able to wade deep into the political mire... except the video card in my computer blew its brains out some time in the night.

Sad trombone sound goes here.

It didn't take long to diagnose the problem but by the time I'd effected repair, which included accidentally mangling one of the two spare video cards I kept handy, it was time to speed off to an appointment with my ophthalmologist for her six-month appraisal of her cataract surgery work on my precious peepers. Which included a version of pupil-dilation-on-speed that left me desperate to crawl into a deep, dark hole to protect my poor little eyeballs from an unusually brutal Texas summer day for the ensuing six hours.

And when I finally crawled out, it was come ta Jesus time. Yee-haw!


end rant

Lefty News for August 29th, 2023

Trump's election interference trial to begin in March. Get the champagne ready.

Fuck the fucking Pope, but at least he's saying out loud what all Americans have known for years.

Tennessee racists just can't stop themselves from being huge drooling assholes.

Vivek Ramaswamy's biggest fan is.... O.J. Simpson? Yes, O.J. Fucking Simpson.

President Joe Biden is still trying to forgive student deb.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Poozycat Project :

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
jesus comic


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

There was once a gentle and wise man who healed the sick and fed the hungry. He was called the Son of God and considered a nexus between man's Earthly mortality and the promise of eternal paradise. But he was actually just a myth crafted and merchandised by greedy and cynical people in order to attain wealth and power.
Jesus, He Gets Used

The progressive editorial cartoon about the he gets us campaign.

climate change comic trump mug shot comic