Head Ever!
Anyone out there remember the "callboy" scandal in the Reagan
White House?
And does anyone remember the gay
male prostitute Dubya gave a
White House press pass? And that the very same prostitute
visited the White House over 200 times?
Remember the time Dubya's friends told him they were bringing
a stripper to the White House for his birthday
but he told them
he liked
the color of his car.
(Sorry. Couldn't resist.)
Does anyone remember when Barack Obama kept his cojones in
check for eight years?
Yeah, they caught Clinton dallying with an intern, though
he didn't bone her, but Trump's in the dock facing the same
DNA evidence against him and in this case the charge is
actually rape.
As for JFK, I would've nuked Cuba to get at Marilyn, too.
(Kidding, though not much.)
An enlightened Conservative wing of the U.S. legislature
would have never put Thomas, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch or Barrett
on the Supreme court. But the judges were installed there
reason, to destroy this country, and they're going to stay
on the
come Hell
high water as far as the GOP is concerned. Thomas has no
shame or guilt so he'll never resign.
I'll owe everyone a
Coke if he does.
To paraphrase Douglas Adams, "Here's hoping Clarence's
major intestine, in a desperate attempt to save humanity,
straight up through his neck and throttles his brain."
Red-Hatters don't trust computer voting machines because
their candidates don't always win.
I don't trust electronic voting because because I understand
coding, and as long as there's a bit to flip some bright
spark, who is being
in inverse capacity to his loyalty to this county,
will find a way to flip it.
Biden's win in 2020 was aided in no small part by
the vast number of mail-in votes he received. Mail-in balloting
a paper trail and you can go online to make certain it reaches
those who count them.
Sorry for the lateness of comics this week. To be honest,
I was breathing a large sigh of relief after the indictments
were opened on Monday. It was like I'd been running a race
against the orange bastard for seven (!) years and finally
they waved
the checkered flag and Trump lost. I honestly needed a few
days to quietly enjoy this moment.
But the race is not
over and there's many miles to go. See you Monday.