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The progressive editorial cartoon about the important events of March 2023.

end rant

March Snarkery

Today's 'toon is Part Three of a possible series of twelve cartoons about 2023's notable events this month. I say "possible", though more "unlikely", because the news is going to start jamming up the closer I get to December so I may opt out after October, if not sooner.

Besides, these particular 'toons require a lot of research and, therefore, time, and time is no one's friend in this fervent shopping season.


That all being said, here are a few topical candidates from last March that didn't make the final cut:

Yosemite park closed after snowstorms.
Pennsylvania chocolate factory explodes.
A skin lesion was removed from Biden's chest.
Funko Pop! trashes $30 million worth of toys.
Five people shot at (sigh) an LA gun buyback event.
U.S water facilities boost cyber security against hackers.
Cases of congenital syphilis rise sharply.
DOJ says police can sue Trump over J6.
Starbucks illegally fires union organizers.
California cancels $54 million Walgreens contract over abortion med rules.
Minnesota restores voting rights to 55k felons.
Tucker Carlson: I hate Trump passionately. (from 2021 Dominion deposition)
Oklahoma GOP keep law that allows teachers to hit cripples.
International Criminal Court issues warrant for Putin.
Dozens of Mar-a-Lago employees subpoenaed in classified doc probe.
Minnesota institutes free lunches for schoolchildren.
Penguins receive replacement lenses for cataracts.
North Carolina expands Medicaid.
$3 billion cut from food stamp program.


end rant

Lefty News for December 11th, 2023

Jack Smith asks "Supreme" Court to decide if Trump has presidential immunity.

Texas is owned by a pack of pin-headed, anti-abortion dickwads.

One Republican's opinion: "Biden impeachment inquiry will backfire politically."

President Joe Biden announces plan to remove lead water service lines within ten years.

Trump buck-buck-buh-GAWK chickens out on testifying in own trial.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Poozycat Project :

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
blame obama comic
Blame the Black Guy.


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Trump indicted over hush money payments.
Two states pass gender-affirming care laws. Minnesota "we protect it!" Tennessee "We reject it!"
President Biden designates five new national monuments.
Utah parents want Bible removed from school libraries. It's porn! You may have a point.
Silvergate Bank ordered to liquidate, we got bitcoined in the ass.
Kansas City Southern and Canadian Pacific railroads merge. Boxcars: Will you be mine?
Eli Lilly caps insulin prices at $35 a month.
Arkansas eases child labor laws. Doctor with baby: Congratulations. It's an employee.
Walgreens ceases sale of abortion meds in red states. Now on sale: Tough beans amd liberal tears.

The progressive comic about the important news of March 2023.

april 2023 comic February 2023 comic