Feathers. Some Assembly Required.
you lived in a village of less than a thousand people
and one of the town officials made it his honor-bound duty to
destroy the schools, make the food unsafe to eat, incite frivolous
villages, and change the tax laws to make him and his friends
as wealthy as possible at the expense of the poor and aged chances
are excellent that a public holiday involving heated tar and
chicken feathers would
be inevitably celebrated with an unsurprising amount of gusto.
Unfortunately, we are a village of millions,
separated from the machinations of governance by a scrim of propaganda
and misinformation
masquerading as news. As a result, it is a glorious time to be
greedy and unscrupulous. In fact, there has never been a period
in history
where so much has been owned by so few, and these "few" don't
just want more, they want it all, no matter what the cost. That's
what the "fiscal cliff" is
really all
You see, the tools of the wealthy, the whores who call themselves
the Grand Old Party, would happily send the U.S. economy spiraling
into a
depression rather than deny their masters an extra 3% tax benefit.
You may end up on the breadline but depressions don't affect
the rich. They'll be juuust fine. They'll always have a few extra
million tucked
in order to
buy another
of Congressman when the time comes.
So thank you, all you Second Amendment freaks, all you right-to-lifers, all
you homophobics, all you closet-racists, for voting for candidates
who could not give a DAMN about you or this country.
Get well, Hillary.