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The progressive editorial cartoon about Republican abortion laws.

start rant

Beasts of the Belly

The Republican Party might just as well replace the elephant as their mascot with a golden uterus on a throne made of AR-15s.


It was nice of the RNC to pull out of all Presidential debates. Now we can enjoy adults talking about the future of this country on all the moajor networks instead of enduring the screech of Trumpian jackals othering the freshest crop of scapegoats on Fox News.


end rant

News & Notes for April 16, 2022

Texas Governor Abbott is the dumbest asshole alive.

President Joe Biden reveals his taxes. Trump still hasn't.

Global approval of U.S. rises 15 points during President Joe biden's first year in office.

President Joe Biden will extend or cancel student loans.

Well, there goes Wisconsin.

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Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Teacher: Can anyone tell me what the uterus is for?
Girl student: Yes. It's a body organ that the Republicans Party uses to regulate and subjugate women.

The progressive editorial cartoon about restrictive Republican abrtion laws.

spineless comic abortion comic