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The progressive editorial cartoon about climate change.

start rant

Sing It, With Meaning!

It was either this cartoon or one depicting a young fly being warned by his mother that, if given a Red Rider BB-gun by Santa, he'd probably shoot out one of his 10,000 compound eyes.


Seven Republican congressmen refused to stand and applaud President Zelenskyy during his speech Wednesday night.


Because they love their dark ruble Russian paychecks more than the Constitution of the US of freaking A.


Random thought: Back when people routinely burned coal for heat a lump of coal in a kid's shoe, or stocking, probably wasn't all that bad. Sort of like getting socks today.


When I was twelve years old I Santa bought me a chemistry set for Xmas. For whatever reason it arrived sans instructions and my used-car salesmen Dad lacked the credentials to properly mentor me in the finer arts of chemical valencey. So I just messed around with it for a few months until it mysteriously disappeared.

But I never forgot it.

So, what gift did you receive as a kidling that you still fondly recall? There are no prizes for this, just an opportunity for you to publicly wallow in a pool of golden nostalgia.


Holiday Note: There will likely be no new or used Raging Pencils until Wednesday, the 28th as I'll be doing a little holiday travelling.

Until then, I wish all of you a wonderful holiday season and I thank you all again for spending a few of your valuable seconds at my cranky little popsicle stand.



end rant

News & Notes for December 23, 2022

January 6th Committee releases final report on Trump Capitol riot.

The IRS didn't audit Trump like it was supposed to.

Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addresses Congress.

Trump aide testifies he knew he'd lost the election.

As many as 5000 Chinese per day are dying from COVID.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Poozycat Project :

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
santa cookie comic
Sacrifice for Santa.


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

hurricane: Oh the weather outside is frightful
MAGA with tiki torch: but the fire is so delightful
Immigrant children in ICE cages: and since we've no place to go
Polar bears on barren landscape: let it snow! let it snow! let it snow! please.

The progressive editorial cartoon about climate change, Trumpism, and children in cages.

news of 2022 comic trump comic