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The progressive web comic about the electoral college.

start rant

Junk Food

Dear CEO of (insert name of local grocery chain here);

This past weekend at CPAC the CEO of Goya Foods referred to Donald Trump as " the actual president of the United States".

I don't pretend to know everything but I do know that the CEO of Goya Foods is publicly supporting a man who tried to overthrow the legitimate U.S. government through violent means. This sickens me. Five people died as a result of his scheme. Hundreds more were hurt and dozens of Trump's terrorists are now under federal indictment.

In the same way that I would look upon your grocery stores with disgust if you sold Adolf Hitler brand bacon or Charles Manson brand baby corn so do I now similarly feel pushing my cart down the aisle of your stores and encountering Goya brand foods.

I, personally, shall never again buy Goya brand foods, which I consider overpriced. I will also tell my friends and anyone within reach of my social media why they should also boycott Goya products.

I don't expect you to remove these products just because of one concerned American so the point of this letter is to just let you know that if the sales of Goya foods wither away to nothing, which would delight me no end, you will not have to wonder why.

However, if you are the kind of person who truly cares for this country you will not have any trouble replacing Goya products with something much less poisonous to your brand.




Note to friends of Lefty:

If you happen upon cans of Goya product on your grocer's shelves please be careful handling them as the cans are easily dented. If they are damaged they are must less likely to be purchased and we wouldn't want that. So, be careful. Be very, very careful.


I have a potentially useful idea:

Some company needs to develop a lawn-mower that can easily be adapted to function as an electrical generator.


The CPAC Presidential straw poll this past weekend resulted in t-Rump getting 55% of the vote. That's pathetic, but it means nothing. Here are the results of past CPAC polls for president:

2015 poll
Paul 26%
Walker 21%
Cruz 12%
Carson 11%
Trump 5%

2016 poll
Cruz 40%
Rubio 30%
Trump 15%
Kasich 8%

Chunky Hitler will be hiding in another country before the 2024 primaries, probably, so take the 2021 poll with a truckload of salt.


end rant

News & Notes for March 1, 2021

Democrats announce new tax on the ultra-wealthy.

Trump gutted the U.S. immigration system.

Trump got the covid-19 vaccine in secret. Because of COURSE he did.

Mary Trump predicts her uncle will pretend to run for office in 2024 because the grift is too good to stop.

President Biden to allow separated families to reunite in the U.S.

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Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Lawyer: After weeks of intense scrutiny we've come to the conclusion that the presidential vote was certainly rigged.
Trump: See?!
So that's why we must abolish the Electoral College.
T: Do what now?

socialism vs. capitalism comic civics lesson 2021 comic